22- Inside Source

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Kay💕💕: Ummm... Read this. Andrew Benintendi sister cheating on Aaron Judge?

I furrowed my eyebrows and clicked on the link Kayla sent me, reading it. It's bullshit, but I'd like to know why people are lying about my relationship.

I don't know who the hell I'd cheat on Aaron with, but okay.

"Is baseballs newest 'it' couple not as perfect as they want us to believe? We have a few sources who say they're not perfect at all. Our first inside source decided to let us use her name in this story, along with our second. Alyssa Mayor contacted us first, telling us this story about Aaron Judge's girlfriend, Olivia Benintendi. 'I set her up on a date with this guy I met at school. She agreed to it, and they went out. She wasn't happy with me after it, and I wasn't sure why. We haven't texted much since then, but I've texted Brad since then.' ... We then got in contact with Brad Miller, and he agreed to speak with us about their relationship. 'Yeah, [Olivia's] friend set us up on a date and we hit it off from there. We continued to talk after that, and she never told me about Aaron. I don't pay attention to tabloids and things, so I never saw them together. I didn't know until someone found out about our date and contacted me. I never saw her as a two-timer, but I guess you just never know about people.'"

I scoffed after I read the article, exiting out of it and going to FaceTime Aaron.

It rang twice before the call was declined.

What the hell?

I texted Giancarlo instead. Hey, are you guys busy?

He replied a minute later.

G💪🏽: No. What's up?

Aaron didn't answer my FaceTime. Alyssa and Brad are saying I've been cheating on Aaron, which is an obvious lie, but I just wanna talk to him.

G💪🏽: I'll talk to him. I'm sure it's nothing.

Thank you, G.


The front door opened and I froze. Andrew was at Fenway, along with all of my other friends, and Kayla's visiting her family.

I slowly put my spoon on the counter beside the ice cream container and grabbed a knife, poking my head out and looking around.

Aaron was standing in my living room, and he looked pissed.

I sighed and sat the knife on the table, walking over to him. "What are you doing here? You have a game," I asked, going in for a hug.

"Considering I almost punched two of my teammates, coach thought it was better for me to not play," he said, stepping back and avoiding the hug. I frowned and put my arms down, looking up at him.

"Did you read the article?" I asked and he scoffed, looking away. "Yeah, I read the fucking article, Olivia. What the fuck was that?" He asked and I furrowed my eyebrows.

Why was he acting like this?

"It was Alyssa and Brad lying to get attention, baby. Why are you so angry?" I asked.

He didn't believe it, right? I just told him a few days ago that I haven't talked to Brad since the date.

"I'm angry because everyone believes it! You're not doing anything to defend our relationship! Do you just not care?" He yelled and I took a step back. Two people lied about me cheating, and he's mad at me because I'm not going on social media to tell people it isn't true?

"Of course I care. It shouldn't matter if they believe it or not, because it's not true. I don't have to defend our relationship to anyone because it's our relationship, not theirs. Did you just drive four hours to yell at me for this, or are we actually going to talk about it?" I asked.

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