Surprise CeCe!

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(Charles pov)

After my test they let CeCe come back and stay with me. She was dressed and ready to go. She's so perfect. She was just finishing up so I could be discharged. I am happy CeCe is doing my paper work this time.

"Hey CeCe?"


"Can you stay at my house for a little? I don't want you to alone and I don't wanna be alone."

"I guess but I am gonna have to leave you with Chaz because I need to go get something's for him."

"I have a crib for him. We got it when we thought Alli was pregnant awhile ago when we were in love."

"Okay but I still need something's from my house. Do you think you can watch Chaz?"

"I don't see why I can't watch my own son. Right?"

"Haha thanks Charles."

"He's my son. There no need for a thank you. It's my job." I said. She smiled at me.

CeCe just dropped me and Chaz off at my house. I had something for CeCe but she has no clue.

(CeCe's pov)

I just dropped my boys off and went home real quickly. I had the baby monitor with me and one with Charles. I can hear them from 1,000ft away and me and Charles only live 900ft away from each other.

"I love you Chaz. I am sorry daddy almost wasn't in your life. I was stupid and I almost forgot what's important. Once you were born I knew you were mine but I was getting the DNA test do I could prove to Alli that your mine. Alli got mad and she also cheated on me so I kicked her out. I am glad that you and mommy are in my life and here to stay for good." Charles voice came over the monitor. I started crying tears of joy. I quickly grabbed what I needed and something's for Chaz. I am so lucky to have Charles back in my life.

Once I got to Charles house I ran in and hugged him.

"Hey hey why are you crying?"

"I love you Charles."

"I love you too." He said hugging me back.

"I heard everything you said. I am in love with you! I can't believe I almost didn't have you in my life!"

"CeCe I have something to show you..." He said to me. I took his hand and he lead me to the guest room.

"My god! Charles! When did you do this? Why did you do this?" I said. Charles took the guest room and made it in to Chaz's room. It was Baby blue with sports all over it and above his crib is said Chaz in big white letters.

"I did when we started talking again and I did it because I love you and I want you to move back in with Chaz and stay here with me and we can grow as a family! What do you say?"

"Omg! Charles. Of course I wanna move back in. I love you." I said crying. He hugged me and kissed me.


Yay! Everyone is happy!


But sadly the story is almost over!

I know! I know!








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