Is she okay?

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A few months in...

(CeCe's pov)
I'm 7 months pregnant. I'm getting bigger and bigger every day. I can wait to meet my little baby. I'm not sure what the sex is but I'm excited either way. Chaz and Charles both can't wait but I don't think Chaz understands that the baby isn't gonna be an instant playmate. But it's still so cute over how exited he is.

"How much longer mommy?" Chaz asks me as he puts his hands on my belly.

"2 more months." I said to him. His face lit up with excitement. "Are you excited Chaz?"

"Very." He says as I pick him up and place him on my lap. I'm laying on the couch right now so he's mostly on my legs. He puts his face on my bell and starts talking to it.

"I really hope you're a boy but if your a girl daddy says I have to protect you from any boys. I'm not sure why. Boys are cool." He says to my belly. I giggle and smile. I start to cry a bit.

Charles enters the living room. "What's going on here? Are you okay CeCe?"

"I'm just so happy." I was recording Chaz as he was taking to my belly so I handed the phone to Charles and he starts to watch the video.

A sharp pain starts in my belly. It feels like the baby is coming but its not due for another 2 months. Is my baby okay?

"CeCe, Whats wrong?"

"Charles... My belly it hurts. It may be time to go."

"But we have another two months. What's going on?"

"I don't know." Charles picks me up and carries me to the car. Chaz puts on his little coat and shoes and follows us. Charles puts me in the car and then goes and locks the door.

"Chaz go get in your seat."  I say to him. He nods and goes and buckles himself up. Charles comes back and we head to the hospital.


(Charles pov)

"Is mommy gonna be okay?" Chaz asks sitting in the seat next to me.

"I don't know Chaz. I hope so."I say. I know you should say that to a kid but I can't lie to him. It's his own mom.

"Mommy can do this. She's strong." Chaz says. I smile. Chaz is strong just like his mom.

"I know Chaz." I say to him as I pick him up and place him on my lap.


A few hours have gone by and were still waiting on an update for CeCe. Chaz is fast asleep on my chest. I wrapped him up in a blanket we had for him.

"Mr.Trippy?" Someone said. I looked up and I saw a nurse looking for me.

"That's me. Is my wife okay?" I said standing up with Chaz still in my hands.

"Give me him and then come with me. I hand him to her and she carry's him as we walk to CeCe's room. She won't tell me whats going on. "Mr.Trippy imma gonna stay right here. You go inside." I follow her orders and goes in to the room.

"CeCe? What happened? Are you okay? Is our baby okay?"

"Charles... They were born early."

"Whats the sex?" I say with tears dripping down my face. I hug CeCe who is crying as well.

"A girl."

"I had a little girl?" I say even crying harder. She nods. I look over and I see them. It's not how i wanted to meet my new kid but along as they make it I will be okay.

"What do you wanna name her?" I ask Charles

"I was thinking Taylor Rose Trippy." CeCe says.

"I love that name."

"What are we gonna tell Chaz?"

"That your okay and the baby is fine. Lets not tell him anything like this."

"So fake that your pregnant and then give "birth" to her?"

"Yes that way he won't ask questions or worry. We won't tell anyone but our family and friends."

"The CTFxC?"

"No not even them we can't have him finding out about this in anyway."

"CeCe I won't keep secrets from them."

"Charles, I don't want my baby boy finding out about her because what if she doesn't make it?" CeCe said as she broke down in to tears. I hugged her and kissed her head.

"Can we tell them later on?"

"Yes we can just don't do it now." She said. I nodded and kissed her again.


That all for now.

I'll update soon





Bye I love you guys

-Renee ❤️

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