Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

A few hours later, Happy, Tig and Juice come walking in the door. None of them says a word. Juice comes to me and kisses me before leading me to the couch. Happy asked where Lacey was and I said she was in her bedroom. He walks to the room and brings her to the couch. "What happened, Juice?" I asked. "He's been taken care of. Apparently once you were released, he had plans to take you and run off with you. How long had he been hurting you?" Juice asked. "We were together for about three years and it started about a year in." she says. "He won't touch you again." Happy says. "So, I don't have to stay here anymore?" she asked. "Do you have anywhere to go?" she asked. "I have some money put back. I got a bank account in a fake name so that he wouldn't know that I was planning on leaving. I can stay at a hotel or something." she says. "You'll stay with me. I got an extra room." Happy says and we all look at him. "Are you sure?" she asked him. "Yeah. I'm sure." he says. "That's not a bad idea. You don't really need to be alone with you having nightmares." I tell her and she nods. "Let's get some sleep and we can get her moved tomorrow." Tig says and we all head to bed. "Are you sure he's not going to get to her?" I asked as we lay in bed. "You know we said we would never have secrets? Do you want to know the details?" he asked. "Yes. I still want full disclosure." I tell him. "Well, the club has use of a warehouse and we took him there and chained him up. Happy has a bag of tools that he uses to get information out of people and we tortured him. Made sure that none of his buddies were coming after her and then after we got the info we needed, we put two shots in his head and he is buried in Chigger Woods. He's not coming back." he tells me. I let that soak in for a few minutes and he asks "Are you okay?" I sit up a little to look at him and say "Thank you." I say. "I didn't want her to have to go back to that. She is so sweet and doesn't deserve that. No one does." I tell him and he pulls me closer and asked "How thankful are you?" and smiles. "Oh so much." I tell him as I start kissing his chest and climbing to straddle my husband.

The next morning, we get up and start getting her things together. We put them in my car along with Libby and head towards Happy's house. We pull into the driveway, Happy and Juice on their bikes and Lacey, Libby and myself in my car. We get her things inside and Happy tells me to put them in his bedroom. I look at Lacey and she nods her head yes. I help her get her things unpacked, which she didn't have much, and headed out to the back deck where the guys and Libby were. "Thank you all for helping me. I don't know how I will be able to repay you." she says. "You are one of us now. You don't have to pay us back. You are family now." Juice tells her and she smiles. "So, what are your plans now?" I asked. "Happy said he wants me to stay with him so I think I will take him up on that. But I think my next step is to get a job." she says. "Don't worry about that right now. Just get yourself better and then we can talk about that." Happy says. "I don't want to be a burden." she says. Pulling her close, he says, "You ain't a burden. I got you." Juice and I just look at each other and smile.

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