Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Walking out of the tattoo shop, I feel like things are going to be okay. We go home and spend the rest of the day in bed showing each other just how much we love each other. I don't think I would have made it through everything had it not been for Juice. I know we have both had a shitty past but it seems like it was all worth it to be here together now. He really has been my anchor that has kept me sane.

A couple of days later, we walk into the shop to see Bill sitting at the desk. "Hey guys. How are you feeling Janie?" He asks. I walk to him and hug him and say "Better. Thank you for helping Juice. I'm going to be okay." I tell him and look over at Juice smiling. "What is that on your chest?" He asked, already knowing I got new ink and that was why I was feeling better. It's like feeling the pain of the needle resets my mind to know that I can handle any pain. "I got a new tattoo. Ending another chapter." I tell him. He knows why I get tattoos. "Well, let me see it." he says and I pull the top of my shirt down a little so that he can see it. "You have Juice's name on you? Normally I would be against that but seeing how he has been here for you, it seems fitting." he says. "Juice got the same one but with my name on it." I tell him as Juice walks over and puts his arm around my waist. Bill just looks at us and smiles. "I know he won't be bothering you again but I still don't want you alone for a while. Just for all of our sanity." He tell me and I agreed with him.

I sat at the desk and started on the paperwork that awaited me while Bill and Juice headed out to the garage to get to work. The day seemed to go by fast and I was grateful. About an hour before closing, Molly walked into my office. "Hey doll." she greets me as I hug her and offer her a seat on the couch. "Hey. What brings you here?" I asked her. "I just wanted to see how you were and how things were going with you and Juice." she says. "Things are good. We had a little scare the other day but it's taken care of and Juice has been amazing through all of this. I even feel good enough that I got a new tattoo." I tell her. Anyone who knows me know what those mean. "Really. Let me see." she says. I show her my new ink and her eyes go wide. "That is beautiful. And you got his name on you. So, things are going well?" she asks. Before I could answer, Juice walks in smiling from ear to ear and says "Things are amazing. Hey Molly." "Hey Juice." she says. "I never thanked you for being there for our girl. I see how much you care about her. Make sure you take care of this one. She's priceless." she tells him and he nods. Kissing the top of my head he tells me that he is getting the shop closed up. Molly and I talked a little more before she hugged me and left, leaving me and Juice to close up the office.

Walking in the door at home, we got a shower together and ordered food. Sitting on the couch after eating and we just can't seem to keep our hands off each other. We are always touching. I am cuddled into his side and rubbing little circles on his chest where my name is when he asks me something I didn't think I would ever hear. "Have you ever thought about your future?" he asked. "Sure, I mean, before you it was always about being here and what I wanted to do with the shop. But now, it's different." I tell him. "How so?" he asked. "Well, before, I pictured myself living here and working at the shop and maybe expanding in the future. It was all about the business because that was all I had going for me. But now, I see us, together." I didn't want to tell him that I had pictured us getting married and what our kids would look like. "I know what you mean. Before, when I was with the club, all I saw for my future was what was happening with the club. I didn't see myself finding someone to love or to love me. It just wasn't in the cards for me. But now, I see something better. I see us, too. I see marriage and kids and us sitting on the porch in 50 years watching our grandkids playing." he tells me. I sat up looking him in the eye and asked, "You want to marry me? Have kids with me?" I am shocked that he was thinking the same thing I was. "Of course. Janie, I love you. You are the only person that has never judged me and who loves me for me, not what she can get from me. You are it for me." he tells me. As the tears fall down my cheeks, I say, "Juan Carlos, take me to bed. Show me how much you love me." He picks me up bridal style and takes me to bed where he makes love to me over and over again until the sun comes up.

***Six months later***

Sitting in my office, working on invoices, Bill walks in and sits across from me. "Hey baby girl. How's it going?" he asks. "Hey Bill. Things are good. For the first time in a long time I can say they are great even." I respond. "Good. I need to ask you something." he starts. "Okay. What's up?" I look at him concerned. "You and Juice seem to be doing well. How do you feel about him?" he asks catching me completely off guard. "Bill, I love him. He is the only man that has ever made me see a future for myself. He makes me forget all of the shit I have been through. I never thought I would find that. Why?" I asked him. "No reason. Love you baby girl." he says before walking out of my office leaving me completely confused.

Later that night, Juice and I are at home and laying in bed watching a movie when he kisses the top of my head. I look up at him and see him looking at me and he seems nervous. "What's up babe? You okay?" I asked him. "Yeah. I need to talk to you about something." I sat up, worried about what he is going to say. I thought things were going good but maybe I was missing something. "You know I love you, right?" he asked. 'Oh God this can't be good.' I think to myself. "Yeah. I love you too." I respond waiting on him to drop the bomb I know is coming. "I need to ask you something." He says reaching into the nightstand, he pulls out a ring. "Janie, Will you Marry Me?"

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