Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Pulling up to the new house, I look at the outside. It is a nice sized house, about the size of the one back in Georgia. It is white with black shutters and a black door. I like it so far. Walking inside, all of our furniture has been placed where it should and I love the way it is set up. Looking through the house, I see the only things to be unpacked are the clothes. The beds are ready to be slept in and even Libby's room is set up and perfect. "Who did all this?" I asked. "Venus and some of the croweaters." Chibs tells me. "Really?" I asked. "We can change things around if you don't like the setup." Juice says. "No, everything's perfect. I just wanted to know who to thank." I tell him smiling.

After getting the clothes unpacked, we head to the clubhouse. Juice is on his bike that we had shipped here and I am in the car with Libby. Pulling onto the lot, I see the garage, Teller-Morrow Automotive. Next to it is a huge Reaper painted on the wall of a building that I am assuming is the clubhouse. Walking inside, Libby is in her carrier and Juice is carrying her. His fingers are intertwined with mine and he leans to me and whispers, "Welcome home babe." I smile at him and nod as we walk in the doors. Walking up to us is a very sophisticated and debonair woman who gently holds out her hand and says "Welcome to SAMCRO Janie. I am Venus Van Damm. My Old Man is Alexander but everyone calls him Tig. He's the VP." I shake her hand. "Nice to meet you Venus. Thank you so much for finding and setting up the house for us. It was perfect." I tell her. "It was my pleasure. Here, we are family and we take care of family. Now, let me hold that perfect little bundle of sweetness." she says and Juice takes Libby out of her carrier and hands her to Venus. "She is so precious. How old is she?" she asked. "Seven months." I tell her and she continues to coo with the baby and making her giggle. "Let's go get you a drink and show you around." she tells me. "Laura here will keep an eye on little miss. Around here, these young ladies are called Croweaters and they do whatever we need them to do. If you need anything you just tell one of these ladies and they will take care of things." she tells me. "Thanks. Juice and Chibs filled me in on some things on the plane." I tell her. "Church boys." Chibs called and they all walked into a room with padded doors that Venus explained was the chapel where all club business is discussed.

Inside the chapel, Juice takes his former chair and Chibs speaks. "Juicy Boy, we are all sorry for how shite went down but you are our brother. The way Jax did you, was wrong and we want to rectify that. And seeing that you moved your beautiful family clear across the country tells us that you understand." he says. "Yeah. I missed you guys. When I moved out there, I didn't have shit. No car, no job, no place to sleep. Janie took me in and gave me all of those things. She's amazing. Didn't even hesitate when we talked about moving here." he explained to them. "Well, let's get this meeting started right." Chibs says and T.O. walks over with his old kutte. Sliding it on, he realized that it felt like home. "Thanks guys. Now, let's get down to business." he tells them and they catch him up on what has been going on with the club.

An hour later, the guys come out of the chapel and I am sitting there with Venus at the bar drinking coffee. "Hey baby." I greet him as he walks up to me. "Hey Babe. Having fun?" he asked. "Yeah actually. It feels good to have some women to talk to for a change. All I had were guys to talk to back home and they didn't have the same interests as I do. "I hear you are taking college classes, Janie. Can I ask what you are studying?" Venus asked. "Psychology. I had severe depression after having Libby and I decided that I wanted to help other women dealing with postpartum. Mine was really bad. But, I only have one more semester to go and I can get my license and start to work." I tell her. "That's wonderful dear. Whatever you need, just let us know." she tells me. "There's a hospital here that we could help you get on at." Tig says. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah, our former president, Jax, his Old Lady was a doctor there and we have a few friends on the staff there that could help you out." he told me. "That would be great Tig. Thanks." I tell him, already feeling like this was a great decision. "Tig, Juice and Chibs were telling me on the way here about getting a crow? Who do I talk to about that now that he is back?" Smiling, he says, "Happy is the one that does all of our ink. I am sure he would take care of that for you." Happy walks over and says, "Juice called and asked me to sketch up something for you before you left Georgia. I have it ready and we can do it now if you are ready." he tells me. "Yeah, that's perfect. Do I get to see it?" I asked and Juice says, "Not until it's done. I have seen it and I know where it is going to go." he tells me. "Lay back on the pool table." Happy tells me. Laying back, Happy starts to put Juice's crow on my ribcage. Seeing the one on my chest he asked "What's that one?" I looked at Happy and said, "When I first met Juice, I was attacked. He helped me through it and once we got together, I got it for him because he is my anchor. He keeps me grounded. And he has the same one but with my name in the same spot." I tell him. "The work is good. Whoever did it knows their shit." he tells me and continues with my crow. "After you get done, I need my Reaper done." he tells Happy. Hap nods and finishes my crow. Looking in the mirror, it looks amazing and has his head tattoos incorporate. I love it.

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