Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

***Another month later***

Another month has gone by and things have been going great between Juice and I. He has even taken me out on a few dates and never ceases to amaze me with his gentleness and his affection. The nightmares are still there but getting less and less and I think that is because I have Juice there with me each night. I seriously could fall in love with this guy. Maybe already have. He is amazing and I just can't get enough.

"Hey babe, I'm heading to get some lunch. Want me to bring you back something?" He asks knowing I was swamped in the office. "Yeah, that would be great. Thanks." I tell him, walking over to the door to give him a kiss. "I'll be back. Bill is still here if you need anything." He tells me before walking away. Even though things have been getting easier for me, the guys still won't leave me alone and that helps me a lot knowing I have someone else around. I still don't like being anywhere alone. Even my business and home I don't like being alone and those are places that I should feel the safest.

Sitting at the desk, entering the previous day's invoices, I hear a knock on the door. Turning, I see someone I hoped to never see again, the man that raped me. "C-Can I help you?" I asked the man looking me up and down. "I need to get an oil change." He tells me with a sick grin on his face. I walk to the other door and call for Bill. As Bill walks into the office he immediately sees that I am on edge. "Bill, this gentleman needs his oil changed. Can you take care of it please." I asked. "Sure, let me get the one I am working on done and I will get it done." He tells me. "Uh, actually, can you go ahead and do it now please. Don't want him to have to wait." I asked him still feeling myself stiffening up. "Sure, I'll get it now." He tells me, a worried look in his eye. Bill guides him to the picnic tables across from the office. I sit down in my chair after closing both doors feeling a panic attack coming on, trying to calm myself down. I jump when the door opens and then I see Juice walk in with lunch. He immediately knows something is wrong. "Babe, what's wrong? You okay?" He asked worried. "Yeah, just need a minute. I'm okay." I tell him hoping he believes me. Juice and I sat in my office eating lunch when Bill brings the invoice for the oil change in for me to sign off on. The man walks in to pay and before leaving, says, "Nice seeing you again, Janie."

"Who was that?" Juice asked. "No one. It doesn't matter." I tell him. He drops it for now but I know he is going to want to talk about it when we get home. We finish lunch and he gives me a kiss before getting back to work. I spent the rest of the day in the office with the doors closed trying to keep my anxiety in check.

Finally it's closing time and I tell the guys goodnight before Juice and I head home. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked him, not looking at him. "We can order in if you want." He tells me. He reaches for my hand and I let him intertwine his fingers with mine and I feel him give my hand a small squeeze. I feel the tears pulling at my eyes but manage to not let them fall. Walking inside, I tell Juice to order the food while I jump in the shower. It's like I feel him all over me again. I scrubbed my skin until I thought it was going to fall off. I feel dirty all over again. When the water gets cold, I step out of the shower and get dressed in some pajama pants and one of Juice's shirts. Walking out to the living room, I sit down on the couch and Juice pulls me close to him. He lifts my chin to look at him and he kisses me softly. "I love you, Janie." He has never said that before. "I love you, Juice. More than you know." I respond before I can't hold the tears back anymore. He pulls me into his lap and lets me cry. When I finally calm down, he cups my face in his hands and says "Talk to me baby. What's wrong?" His voice so concerned and sweet. I can't even look him in the eyes. "Baby, tell me. No secrets, remember?" All I can do is pull away. "You know that guy that came into the office today? The one that knew my name?" I asked. "Yeah, what about him?" He says. I look down at my hands that are wringing together in my lap and say "He was the one that attacked me that night." More tears start falling down my face. I expect him to freak out because I didn't tell him when the guy was there but he didn't. He pulled me back to him and kissed my temple. "I won't let him hurt you again. I promise." He holds me closer.

We sat like that for a little while before the food got there but I wasn't very hungry. But I did eat a little because I knew if I didn't, he would try to push me to. After dinner, we went to bed and Juice just held me, occasionally kissing me and telling me that he loved me. How did I get so lucky to have Juice come into my life? I feel safe with him. I feel loved with him.

The next day, I am sitting in the office when a delivery man shows up with flowers for me. I sign for the flowers thinking that maybe Juice sent them to cheer me up but when I looked at the card, I started hyperventilating. Juice seeing me from the door, came running in to try to calm me down telling me to take slow deep breaths. Juice sees the card on the floor and picks it up. It read It was so good seeing you again, Janie, my love. I can't wait to make love to you again. Juice looks at me, "Are these from him?" He asked. All I could do was nod my head yes. He took the flowers and called Josh, one of the other mechanics, over to get rid of them. Bill comes in to see what all of the ruckus was. "What is going on? And Janie Marie, don't tell me nothing." He only called me by my full name when he was in "father" mode. Juice spoke up for me knowing I was still upset. "You remember that guy that came in yesterday for that oil change?" Juice asked him. "Yeah, Janie had me push it through to get him done. Why?" He asked, looking confused. "That was the guy that attacked her." Juice told him. Before anything else could be said, Bill walks over to the previous day's invoices and found the one he was looking for. "Josh, come here. Keep an eye on Janie and don't let her be in here alone with anyone. Period. Juice and I will be back." He tells Josh who nods his okay. Juice kisses my lips softly, "I'll be back. I love you, Janie. It's going to be okay." he tells me. "I love you too. Be careful. Both of you." I tell them as they walk out the door. 'Oh God, what are they going to do?' I think to myself.

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