Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I wake up the next morning feeling our little girl kicking me and Juice shoots up, "What was that?" I look at him and laugh, "That would be your daughter telling you good morning." I say. He looks at me shocked, "She's kicking." His smile gets bigger and as he rubs my stomach, she starts to settle down. "God I hope she's not a morning person." I laugh. Getting out of bed, I head to start breakfast and coffee while Juice jumps in the shower. Juice comes into the kitchen to finish breakfast while I jump in real fast and then we head to work.

We pull onto the lot and Bill comes over to hug me. "How are my girls?" He asked. "Good. Feeling better." I tell him. "You are supposed to be home resting." He scolds. "I didn't want to be there alone. Plus, I will be sitting all day. I promise." I tell him. Walking into the office, I see Harley laying on his bed. He jumps up and runs over to me and I bend down and cuddle him. "Hey buddy. Momma missed you, too." I say as I rub his head.

***Five months later***

Sitting at the desk, I hadn't been feeling well all morning. My lower back hurts but I don't tell Juice or Bill. Before long, I start hurting worse but try to muster through it. I get up to walk out of the office and I feel a gush between my legs. "Juice!" I yell. Immediately, Harley is by my side. "Janie, what's wrong?" Juice walks in and sees the puddle on the floor and looks at me and smiles. "Is that what I think it is?" He asked. "My water broke. We have to go. Now." I tell him. Helping me to the car, with Bill heading to his truck, we hear Curtis yell, "I got Harley." as we head to the hospital.

After twelve hours of labor, our little girl is born. "Congrats guys. She's beautiful." Bill says beaming at us. "So what's her name?" the nurse asked. Juice speaks up and says "Elizabeth Marie. Libby for short." The nurse smiles and says "That's beautiful. Congrats mom and dad." As the nurse walks out of the room, Bill walks over and kisses my head. "I'm going to go let the guys know what's going on. Get some rest. Juice, call if you all need anything." I smile at him, "Thanks Grandpa." He walks out of the door smiling. "I can't believe she's here." I tell Juice. "I can't believe it either." Juice says. I see him looking at Libby and see a tear fall down his cheek. "Are you okay Juan?" I asked. "Yeah. I am. Can I tell you something?" he says. "Of course. You can tell me anything." I tell him, worried. "When I left California, I honestly thought I would be dead by now. I never thought that I would be married with a child. My dad bailed before I was born so I never knew him. Mom wasn't much better. I thought that the only family I would have was the MC and then when I left them, I thought that was it. Thank you for giving me what I needed, Janie." I look at him and now there are tears in my eyes. "Thank you for letting me." I say as he lays on the bed with us and snuggles us as we fall asleep with our daughter between us.

I wake up the next morning and I am in bed alone. Sitting up, I see Juice sitting on the couch with Libby, feeding her and I can hear him whispering, "Libby, you will never have to wonder where I am. I will always be here for you and mommy. I love you both so much. You are daddy's little girl." I can see her looking up at him and it makes my heart swell. I never thought that I would ever have a husband or kids but here I am. I have the family I never thought that I would have. I could not be happier.

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