Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The next couple of weeks go by and things seem to be calming down. I went back to work the next day and had a meeting with the guys who are all like uncles to me. They saw my face and I explained what happened. Business went on as usual but I still wasn't doing so well. I had started having nightmares. Juice suspected something was going on because he could see how tired I was but all I could see when I closed my eyes was him on top of me. I just didn't know how to get past it.

The guys were all keeping a close eye on me and making sure I felt safe. Slowly I started to feel a little better.

***A month after the attack***

It's been a month since my rape but I finally told Juice about the nightmares. He has started sleeping in my room with me, holding me but never making a move. The nightmares are finally starting to ease up and not as frequent. I am not as jumpy as I had been right after it happened but the guys are still looking out for me.

"How are you feeling?" Bill asks me as I unlock the office to open up. "Better. Finally sleeping some." I tell him. "Juice taking care of you?" He asks and I see concern still in his eyes. "Yes. He's been a good friend through all of this. I'm still looking over my shoulder all the time but it's getting better." I reassure him. "You know, your dad would have liked him. I see how you look at each other. There's something there." He tells me with a little smile. "Bill, we are just friends. He's been a good friend. That's all we will ever be. I am grateful for him but I can't give him what he needs." I tell him looking down at the papers in my hand. "Bullshit. He cares about you. Not what he can get from you. You two need each other. You think I didn't see the broken look in his eyes when he first got here? That look is gone now. He actually looks like he has hope." He tells me looking out the window at Juice. "What do I do?" I asked him, hoping for some 'fatherly' advice. "You talk to him. Put it all out there and see what happens." He tells me walking out to the garage. He walks out to the garage and says something to Juice before walking to the car waiting to be fixed. Juice looks at the office window at me and smiles before turning back to the car he is working on.

Walking into the house after work, Juice and I head into our rooms to shower and change before calling and ordering food. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked Juice as he puts the pizza box on the coffee table. "Sure, you pick." He tells me putting a piece in his mouth. I put on Gone In 60 Seconds, one of my favorite movies. Sitting back with another piece of pizza, I feel Juice grab my feet and pull them into his lap, slowly rubbing my feet while his eyes are on the movie. It felt really good and it seemed like we had just gotten into this comfortable existence. Then I thought about what Bill said. I really should tell him how I feel. But he said nothing would happen until I made the first move. I had been doing a lot of thinking today and decided that I needed to take back the power I lost over my own mind and body and let him know I wanted to be with him at the same time.

Taking a deep breath, I put my pizza down and slowly make my way to his side of the couch. I move across him and straddle him, taking his face in my hands and softly press a kiss to his lips. His hands move to my hips as he looks into my eyes and asks "Are you sure?" I smile softly and nod my head yes. He presses his lips back on mine as he picks me up and carries me to my bedroom. Laying me gently on the bed, he raises up and takes his shirt off while I do the same with mine. He smiles when he sees I am wearing nothing underneath. He kisses me passionately before slowly kissing down my neck and working his way to my breasts causing me to arch my back and moan softly. He raises up and looks at me to make sure I am okay before sliding my shorts and panties off my body. He rids himself of his shorts and boxers before laying back on top of me kissing me again. I feel him at my entrance as he looks at me for the okay. I kiss him and respond "It's okay." As he enters me, he give me a minute to adjust to his size. I don't think I have been with anyone as big as him so it takes a minute before I nod my head that I am okay. He slowly strokes in and out, kissing me softly. It was slow and gentle and passionate. This wasn't sex. We were making love. Once we both reached our release he pulls out of me and pulls me into his side. I lay my head on his chest and as I start to fall asleep I hear him whisper, "you're mine Janie Summers."

I woke up the next morning alone in bed but could smell breakfast cooking. I walk into the kitchen to see Juice standing at the stove and I smile the first real smile since my attack. Walking up behind him, I put my arms around him and kiss his bare back. He turns around and puts his arms around me, kissing my lips softly. "Morning, babe." He tells me as he turns to get me a cup of coffee. "Morning." I reply. "I was thinking. Since we have the day off, why don't we go do something. See a movie and get dinner." He suggests. "That sounds good." I tell him as he sits my plate in front of me and sitting down next to me with his. "Juice, thank you for last night." I tell him, blushing a little. "Hey, I meant what I said by you would have to make the first move." He says. "I know but thank you for being gentle. I just wanted you to know that I appreciate you being here like you have. It means a lot." I tell him putting my hand on his. "Janie, I meant what I said. I want to be with you. Nothing is going to change that. So, can we make it official?" He asks shyly. "I was hoping you would say that. Now, just to get your things moved into our room." I tell him kissing his cheek.

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