Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Juice's phone buzzes with a text from a number he doesn't recognize. He gets a bad feeling so he opens the text to see a video. Looking closer he sees that it's Liv and yells for Bill. He plays the video and see's Janie in the background. Listening to the message, Juice's knees buckle and Bill catches him. Sitting on the couch, Juice gathers himself and hits the call button. "Hello there Juan." Liv says. "I see you got my message." she continues. "Where's my wife?" he asked her. "Her and the bastard are okay...for now. What you need to worry about now, is getting me the fifty grand that I want or they both die. Do you really want that blood on your hands, Juan?" she taunts. "Tell me when and where." Juice says. Bill looks at him in shock but doesn't say anything. "My parents had a cabin that we all spent the summer in growing up. Bill knows where it is. Get my money and bring it to the cabin. You have two hours." she says hanging up. "We can't get that kind of money that fast." Bill says. "What are we going to do?" he asked. Juice thinks for a minute. "Bill, remember when I told you that I was with an MC back in Cali?" he asked and Bill nods "Well, this isn't the first time that I've had to help get an Old Lady back from an enemy. Do you know where the cabin is?" Juice asked. "Yeah. It will take about an hour to get there. What do you have planned?" He asked. Walking out of the office, Juice calls out to Curtis. "Hey man, think you can watch the shop for a while and keep an eye on Harley?" Juice asked. "Yeah man, everything okay?" he asked concerned. "It will be. Thanks man. We will be back soon." Juice tells him. "If you aren't back by closing, I'll take Harley home with me for the night." Curtis said sensing something was wrong. "Thank man." Bill said as they head for Bill's truck.

Pulling up the gravel road to the cabin, Bill stops about halfway up the road. They get out and Juice tells Bill, "You ready? We need to scope the place out first for a minute and see how many people she has with her." Juice says. "Yeah, I'm ready. Let's get our girl back." Sneaking around the back of the cabin, they see one guy outside of what seems like a bedroom door. Liv is in the kitchen, sitting at the table, alone. Putting their silencers on their guns, They sneak around to the bedroom window where Janie is being held. Looking in, they wave to get her attention. Walking to the window, Juice motions for her to get in the closet and stay there. She does what they tell her and they walk back around. They walk up to the front door and knock to let Liv know they are there. Opening the door, she smiles. "Just in time boys. Where's my money?" She asked. "I'm not paying you shit." Juice says, pulling the gun out of his waistband at the same time Bill pulls his. Pointing the gun to Liv's head, Juice guides her to the couch and tells her to sit. She does as told but with a smirk on her face. "You really think you can get away with this? You know I'm not alone." she says. Before anyone can say anything, her guard walks in with gun drawn. Bill turns his gun on the guard and fires one shot to his head, killing him instantly. Juice looks at Liv and sees her smirk has faded and her eyes are wide. "You will never touch my wife or my child again. I promise you that. Rot in hell you stupid cunt." Juice says before pulling the trigger and killing Liv.

Running to the bedroom, Juice opens the door. "Janie, baby." he says. I come out of the closet and right into his arms. "Juice. Oh my God. Get me out of here." I plead. Picking me up, Juice carries me outside while Bill goes to get the truck. Getting in, Juice asked me, "What happened baby?" I cuddle into his side and says, "After you left, I fell asleep on the couch. Next thing I know, I'm being tied up and blindfolded and brought here. I was so scared." I tell him. Bill drives us to the nearest hospital to have me and the baby checked out.

Sitting in one of the exam rooms, I am scared that something has happened to my baby. The doctor comes in and puts the cold gel on my stomach and starts moving the wand around. Juice, Bill and I all visibly relax when we hear the heartbeat. "Heartbeat is strong. That's good." the doctor says. Moving the wand a little more, the doctor smiles. "Looks like she's perfectly fine." We all look at each other realizing what the doctor said. "We're having a girl?" I asked just to clarify. "Yes, looks like you are fifteen weeks along and right where she needs to be." I look at Juice and he kisses me. "We're having a daughter." We all smile as the doctor gets the nurse to discharge me and give me some instructions to take it easy for the next week.

Pulling up to the house, I realize Harley isn't there? "Juice, where's Harley?" He looks at me and smiles "Curtis has him for the night. He will bring him to work tomorrow." he assures me. We shower and get into bed and I drift off to sleep with my husband's hand caressing my stomach, holding our little girl.

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