Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

A month later and I am back in my classes and Juice and Bill are handling the garage. Things have been pretty busy and pretty quiet. But Libby has a checkup so I get her ready and head out to the car. I see that I have four flat tires and looking, I see that they have been slashed. Calling Juice, "Hey babe, can you come get my car?" I asked him. "Sure, what's wrong with it?" he asked. "I have four flat tires and looks like they have been slashed." I tell him. A few minutes later, I see him pulling in with the flatbed. Getting my keys, he goes to the car and sees a note in the front seat.

This time, your tires. Next time, your throat.

That was all it said. "What the fuck?" Juice asked. Showing me the note, my face goes white. "You don't think this is Chris do you?" I asked. "I don't know but until we find out, you don't go anywhere alone. You and Libby are not to be alone." he tells me. "Okay. I was supposed to take Libby for her checkup but I will reschedule. Let me get my laptop and I will head to the shop with you." I tell him. "That sounds good. I'll put baby girl in the truck." he says, taking the carrier from me. A few minutes later we are pulling up to the shop. "What's going on?" Bill asked as we were getting out of the truck. He looked at my tires and Juice handed him the note. "This Chris?" he asked. "That was my thought but don't have proof. Can you handle the shop today? I think I am going to head out and get some cameras to put up around the house." Juice tells Bill. "Yeah, go, I'll stay here with Janie and Libby." Bill says. "Be safe." I tell Juice before kissing him.

A couple of hours later, my cell phone rings. "Hello?" I answered. "Is this Janie Ortiz?" the lady asked. "Yes it is. Can I help you?" I asked, confused. "This is Anita Reed, at St James hospital. We have a Juan Carlos Ortiz here and you are listed as his next of kin." she tells me. "What happened?" I asked, getting Bill's attention. "There was a car accident. You should head over here." she tells me. Hanging up, I tell Bill what Ms Reed told me and we head to the hospital. Getting there, I hand Libby to Bill and am lead back to where Juice is. They have admitted him. Seeing him covered in bandages and he looks like he is sleeping. "Hello, are you Mrs Ortiz?" the doctor asked. "Yes, and you are?" I asked. "I am Dr Wilson. Your husband was brought in after an accident. He's going to be fine though. He has slight swelling on his brain that we think will go down soon but we are keeping him sedated. He has a few bruised ribs but other than that, he is okay." he tells me. "Thank you doctor. Can you send my Uncle back here please?" I asked. The doctor left to get Bill and Libby and I sat next to Juice, holding his hand. "How's he doing?" Bill asked and I told him what the doctor said. Sitting there with Juice's hand in one of my hands and holding Libby in the other, we just sit and wait. "Let me take Libby to my house tonight." Bill tells me. "Okay. Thanks Bill." I tell him. He walks out the door and it is just me and Juice and a waiting game for him to wake up.

Later that evening, Juice wakes up. "Janie?" he asked. "Yeah Juice. I'm here." I tell him, getting up and moving where he can see me better. "How are you feeling?" I asked him. "Like shit. Where's Libby?" he asked. "She is with Bill." I tell him. "Call him. Tell him to take her to the cabin where your Aunt was. Chris was the one that hit me." he tells me. I call Bill and tell him to take her to the cabin so that they are safe. Turning back to Juice he tells me "He finds you, he's going to try to hurt you. I need you to make a phone call." he tells me and gives me a number to someone in California.

Taking out my phone, the man on the other end answers with a Scottish accent. "Yea?" he answers. "Uh yes, is this Chibs?" I asked. "'Tis. Who's is this?" he asked. "My name is Janie, Janie Ortiz." I say. "Ortiz?" he asked. "Juice said I needed to call you and tell you he's needs his brother." I tell him. "Shite. Where are you Lassie?" he asked. "Georgia." I tell him. "You his Old Lady?" He asked. "Wife." I say. "Well, welcome to the family, I guess. Tell our boy I am on the next flight out. Can someone pick me up at the airport?" he asked. "I can or I can have my Uncle pick you up. Juice trusts him." I tell him. "Good Lassie. Stay close to him and I'll text you the flight details to this number." he tells me. "Okay, thank you Chibs." I tell him before he ends the call. "Juice, who was that that I just called?" I asked him. "You know I told you that I was in an MC before moving here?" he asked. "Yes, but you said you left under bad terms." I tell him. "With all but him. He stood by me and is the reason that they didn't kill me. He told me he would always be there if I ever needed him." He explains. "Okay. Get some rest." I tell him and wait for this Chibs guy.

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