Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

It's Monday Morning and I am sitting at St Thomas for my interview with Margaret. I see a well dressed redhead walking my way and she introduces herself, "Janie? Hello. I'm Margaret. Come with me." she says and I follow her down the hall to an office. "Have a seat. I hear you just got your license?" she asked. "Yes. Just a few days ago." I tell her. "Well, looking at your score, looks like you scored almost perfect." she tells me and smile. "Why did you choose psychology?" she asked. "I had really bad postpartum depression after having my daughter and the psychologist I worked with was amazing and I decided that I wanted to help others the same way she helped me." I tell her honestly. "Well, sounds good to me. Let's get your paperwork done and we can get you started on Monday. Now, I know you are specialized in postpartum but we really need someone that can take on all kinds of patients. Are you up for that?" she asked. "Absolutely. I will help anywhere I can." I tell her. "Great. Let's get these papers signed real fast and I will take you to your office." she says. We fill out my paperwork and sign my contract. "Now, I know how things with the club goes so if there's any days you can't come in, just let me know and you can use those days to do online work and such." she says. "That's great. Thanks." I say. "Now, let's go see your office." she says, smiling.

An hour later, I walk into the clubhouse with a smile on my face. "How'd it go?" Juice asked me. "Great. I start Monday but I will be working with everyone, not just new moms." I tell him and he smiles. "That's great babe. I'm proud of you." he tells me. "You know where Tig is?" I asked and he pointed to the other side of the clubhouse. "Hey Tiggy." I say. "Hey Doll. How'd it go?" he asked. "Thanks for helping me. I start Monday." I tell him. "That's great news." he tells me just as Venus walks up. "Hello Janie." she greets me with a kiss to the cheek. "Hey V. I was just thanking Tig for helping me get the job. I start Monday." I tell her and she smiles wide.

Monday comes and Juice is taking Libby to Neeta's so that I can head to my office. My office. I never thought I would say those words. Walking into my office, I see there are a couple of patients in the waiting area. Looking at my schedule, I see my first patient and call her into my office. "Hello Lacey. I am Dr Ortiz but you can call me Janie." I say as she sits down. "Hi Janie." she says softly. "How are you feeling today?" I asked. She looks down at her hands and I can see the bandages on her wrists where her sleeves have slid up. "I don't know." she answers and I can tell she is scared. "Lacey, I want you to know that this is a safe place. Anything you say in this room, stays in this room. You can tell me anything and I will help the best I can." I reassure her. After another couple of minutes, I asked. "Why don't we start with why you were referred to me?" She pulls down her sleeves to hide the bandages and says "I tried to kill myself." Jotting down that note I asked "Why did you try to kill yourself?" She looks at me finally and says "I thought it was my only way out." Jotting down more notes I asked "Out of where?" She wipes a tear away and says "Of my relationship." Putting my hand on hers I say, "Tell me about the relationship." She starts to tell me about how when they first got together, he treated her so good but then after about a year, they were living together and that he started raping her and having his buddies over to participate. "Lacey, there are other ways to get out. I know it doesn't seem like it but it is. Do you have somewhere that you can go to get away from him?" I asked. "No. I don't know anyone here. I moved here with him right after we got together." she tells me. "Okay. I want you to still come see me. I am recommending they put you on a seventy-two hour hold. Not because I think you will hurt yourself again but so that we can get arrangements made to get you out of there and get him away from you. Is that okay with you?" I asked. "Why are you wanting to help me?" she asked. "Lacey, I was raped once and if it hadn't been for my roommate at the time, I would probably have taken the same route you did. No woman should have to go through that." I tell her. "What happened with your roommate?" she asked. "I married him." I tell her. Writing in her file that she is to be put on a seventy-two hour hold with no visitors I call to have her escorted to another room. Then I call in my next patient.

Getting home that evening, I walk in the door and Juice has Libby bathed and eating and dinner is on the table. "Wow. This smells great." I say as I kiss him softly. "Sit." he says and brings me my plate. "How'd your first day go?" he asked. "Pretty good. Nothing too major but I did have one patient that I can't seem to get out of my head." I tell him. "I know you can't tell me much but can I help?" he asked. "Her boyfriend has been raping her and letting his friends help. She tried to kill herself." I said. He looks at me concerned. "What are you going to do?" he asked. "I have her on a seventy-two hour hold in another room with no visitors until we can figure something out." I tell him. "Good. Let me know how the club can help and I will get the guys on board." he tells me and I can't help but smile. "I will. I just need to figure out how to help her." I say.

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