Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Being a female in this life is hard enough. Being one that owns her own garage is a whole other world. Men don't really see you as being capable of doing what needs to be done. Most women don't like getting their hands dirty but I do. My name is Janie Summers and I inherited my garage Summer's Towing from my father when I turned 18 years old. Mom left when I was three so that left me and dad. Dad died a month shy of me turning 18 but all of the people that worked for my dad agreed to continue to work for me because they knew me. They knew I was raised in this very garage and that I would not change anything about the business. They were all like family to me and we took care of each other. I also inherited the house a couple of miles away from the garage and that made it easier to get back and forth if anything happened. Nothing ever really happened but it was convenient.

Being the owner now, meant I spent more time in the office than really out in the garage working on cars but if we were backed up, I would step out and help the guys out. That was why they respected me so much. They knew I was not afraid to jump in and help when it was needed. Plus, my hands being smaller, sometimes I could reach spots in the engines that they couldn't. It worked out perfect. But we were getting busier and needed at least one more mechanic. So, I put an ad in the local paper and so far no one had responded.

About a week after the ad started running, a guy walked up to the office. He looked tired. He was medium height, really nice build, tan skin with tattoos, sad brown eyes and a beautiful smile even though it didn't meet his eyes. "Can I help you?" I asked seeing that he also walked onto the lot and had his backpack over his shoulder. "I'm here about the ad in the paper for a mechanic. Is that spot still opened?" He asked. "Yeah, come on in." I tell him, offering him a seat. "You ever work in a garage before?" I asked. "Yeah. Last place I worked I was there for about eight years." He tells me. "Can I call them for a reference?" I asked. He looks down at his hands in his lap "I would rather you not. Didn't exactly leave on good terms. Wasn't job related though." He tells me seeming a little nervous. "Okay. Not a big deal. Tell me a little about yourself." I say. "I grew up in New York before moving to California. Worked odd jobs when needed but mostly worked as a mechanic before moving out here." He tells me barely looking me in the eyes. "Wow. California to Georgia. That's a long way. I'm Janie, by the way, I own the place. And you are in luck. I need a mechanic so if you want the job, you can work today and I will pay you cash and if you seem like you know your stuff, the job is yours." I explain as I stand up from my chair. He stands as well and holds out his hand to shake "I'm Juan but most people call me Juice." He tells me and I shake his hand.

Walking out to the shop, I introduce him to the guys and tell them he is working today to see what he knows and hopefully will be here to stay. I asked the guys to help him anyway they can before walking back to the office to get my paperwork done. Things seem to go smoothly and before I know it, it's closing time. The guys come in to clock out and tell me goodnight like they always do. Juice is the last one in. "Juice, have a seat please." I tell him motioning to the chair in front of me. "I have been watching you today and you seem to really know what you are doing. I like that you made sure to clean the tools before putting them back. I like that you respect the tools like that." I tell him. I take an envelope out of the drawer to my desk and hand it to him knowing he probably needs it. "You seemed to get along with everyone today. I would like you to stay on and offer you the job if you still want it." I tell him. "Yeah, that'd be great. Thanks." He says looking down at his hands. I couldn't help myself. "Juice, do you have somewhere to stay?" I asked. He seemed to blush a little when I asked him that. "I will figure something out. Thanks." I knew what that meant. That meant he didn't have anything figured out. "Look, all of us here, we are family. We take care of each other and you are one of us now. That means you are family here. That means you can come to us if you need anything. But that also means that we don't keep things from each other. So, I am going to ask again and please be honest. It's not going to change if you have this job or not. This is not your boss asking. This is a concerned person asking. Do you have somewhere to stay?" I asked again. This time, he slumped down in the seat before he answered. "No. I don't." I stood up from my desk and started for the door. "Come on. You do now." He looked at me stunned for a moment before following me to my car.

Once in the car, he says "You don't have to help me. I will figure things out." I smile, "Juice, you just did. What I said in my office about us being a family, I meant it. We take care of each other. I have a spare room that you WILL stay in as long as you need. There are days where I might not be in the office all day but I have a truck you can drive back and forth and get to where you need to go. All I ask is you help with groceries and help with things around the house. I own my house. When my dad died, he left me the house and the garage." Juice looked at me even more stunned at what I just told him. "Not that I am not grateful but you don't know me. Why are you trusting me enough to not only give me a job but a place to stay?" He asks barely looking at me. "Are you going to rob me? Kill me or rape me?" I asked him. His eyes shoot to mine "GOD NO! I would never!" He says. "Okay then. Those are my rules. As long as you don't do those three things, we are good." I tell him with a little smile on my face that makes him smile a little too.

Pulling into the driveway, I pull into the garage and we both get out of the car. We walk into the house and I show him around. I tell him to get a shower while I make dinner. After a few minutes, he is back in the kitchen, showered in just a pair of sweats and putting his shirt on. I couldn't help but admire his chest and abs while he was putting on his shirt. Wow. I quickly turn my attention back to dinner. Frying pork chops while the vegetables are in the microwave. "Can I help you?" He asks leaning against the counter on the other side of the kitchen. I notice he is keeping his distance from me and it strangely makes me feel a little better. He is respecting my personal space. That's good, I think to myself. "You could grab some plates and silverware if you don't care." I tell him pointing to where everything was. He sets them up on the kitchen island where our stools are one on each side facing each other while I plate the food and bring it to the table. I grab a couple of beers out of the fridge and bring them to the island also.

"Wow, this is really good, Janie." Juice tells me in between bites. "That's just because you haven't eaten all day. Don't think I didn't notice. There's lunch stuff here to make you something for tomorrow. Don't let me see you go without." I tell him sternly. "Thanks again, Janie." He tells me with that smile that I am starting to get used to. He just seems so sad and like he hasn't really smiled in a long time.

When we are done eating, we clean up the kitchen together and I grab a couple of beers and lead him to the couch and turn on a movie to wind down. It feels good, not only helping someone but knowing I am not here alone anymore. It makes me feel a little safer knowing I am not here alone.

Saving Each OtherHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin