The Paparazzi - ArabellaLynnChance

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Title: The Paparazzi

Author: ArabellaLynnChance

Genre: Teen Fiction

Summary: Andie Karner isn’t a celebrity. In fact, she hates the so-called “celebrities.” So then why do the paparazzi follow her? In her town of Casschester, the paparazzi follow everyone under the age of 21 and publish their findings on a bunch of different magazines. And one day, their newest finding is that Andie’s dad, who is divorced from her mom, has gone broke and that her mom can no longer support her family of three. Since Andie’s dad is over 21, this isn’t published, but Andie’s mom can’t find a decent job. Andie needs to find a job quick, or be forced to leave the only life she's ever known. Meanwhile at school, the girls in the popular clique, consisting of Maya and her best friend Tessa, are out to make Andie’s life even more miserable. Andie is convinced that they are the most shallow and self-obsessed people on the planet. But maybe there’s more to them than she thinks...

 My view:

When I first read this summary, I wasn’t too sure what to expect. Some summaries are awful, some are amazing – this was somewhere in the middle. It didn’t necessarily catch my attention straight up, but it did make me ‘hmm.’ Ignoring the utterly clichéd part about the ‘popular clique’ having something against our MC, like so many other books on Wattpad seem to have tagging along, I decided that this could be pretty good if given a chance.

From the first chapter, I thought that her writing was okay. There was nothing essentially brilliant about it – but it was oaky. Writing from a child’s point of view can be difficult and this, of course was no exception. But then along came the good parts.

Her descriptions on being pushed between the crowd was amazing. I literally felt as if I was there, as if I could feel that poor little girl being shoved back and forth and shared her claustrophobia.

Unfortunately then comes the capitalization. There are several things I cannot stand when reading things on Wattpad… is when people put UNNECESSARY CAPITALIZATION into their stories when they don’t need it! If you want to put some heavy emphasis on something… use italics! That’s why they’re there for god sake!

And of course there’s the over-use on punctuation. Again, if you want to emphasis on something, don’t do this?!!?!!!!!!!!!!?!??!?! Okay? Just use italics. Simples, see?

Overall, I found that the plot has some originality amongst a few little clichés, with promise and potential with a little more work the more you read into it. Her writing style itself, at least within this story, is quite simplistic and basic. Good use and variety of vocabulary but not great. As the story goes on, her writing seems to approve a touch, but not by much.

 Out of ten? Four.

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