Chapter 14 - Friends?

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"Jinnie, look at this." Jisoo teased as she was walking down to her next class from the school meeting they both just had. Her phone was in his face, showing a picture of Jin covered in sauce with his mouth wide open.

"Oiiii." Jin reacted quite late, trying to take the phone away. He stopped for a quick second before turning to the laughing girl beside him. "You have to admit though, I still look handsome."

"In your dreams." Jisoo muttered, wiping the cocky smile of Jin's face. She tried to hold in a laugh.

"Excuse me but look at this face." Jin sassily pointed towards the perfectly sculpted face. Jisoo couldn't lie but he did have one of the best visuals in the entire school. As well as her, of course.  "Nobody can't tell me this face isn't worldwide handsome."

"Of course it is, Jinnie." Jisoo assured, putting a hand on his shoulder. She turned to him as a thought popped up into her head. "You know now that I think about it, we are actually acting like a proper married couple."

Jin chuckled, throwing an arm around Jisoo. "Babe, if we ever have children, their going to be the second and third worldwide handsome after me, of course."

Jisoo pouted. "What about me?"

"Jichu, your like fifteenth." Jin claimed, teasingly. Obviously he knew the girl would be number one but his arrogance would never admit that.

"Sure I am." Jisoo rolled her eyes.

"I'm joking." Jin laughed, finding it amusing. "You can be number two and that's a big deal coming from me."

"Yeah sure, Jinnie." Jisoo laughed along good, wholeheartedly. She enjoyed her morning conversations with Jin now as they walked back from school council to lessons. Jisoo didn't know why they hated each other before, maybe because of the whole arranged marriage idea, but now she was really starting to like the idea.

And she wasn't the only one.


The bell for first period just ended and Jungkook, Lisa and Jennie came out together with big smiles on their face.

"I can't believe we just aced that test." Jennie smiled, beside Jungkook and Lisa on his other side.

"And I thought I was going to fail." Jungkook muttered, turning to Lisa. "I never thought I'd say this Manoban but thanks for helping me to understand."

Then he turned to the other side to face Jennie. "And Jennie, thanks for passing Lisa's notes to me."

"No problem." The both simultaneously replied, which caused all of them to burst out in laughter.

"Miss Nayeon nearly caught us though." Lisa said. "Thank god one of Jungkook's chicks covered for him."

"Who was she anyway, Jungkook?" Jennie asked, seeing some familiarity in her.

"Tzuyu." He replied. "We used to have a thing."

"Hey, isn't that Chae and Jimin together?" Lisa pointed to a red haired and brown haired conversing near the lockers.

"And Jin and Jisoo over there." Jennie turned the attention to the pair of visuals laughing in the corner.

"Would you look at that?" Jungkook smiled. "We're friends one minute and then back to enemies the next."

"I think we've passed the stage of enemies." Lisa assured.

"Yeah, I don't really think there's going to be any more fights between us." Jungkook agreed.

"You know why." They all turned to Jennie who had a wide grin on her face. "Because this is just the beginning of a new friendship."


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