the aftermath

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Sorry it's been a while peeps! Hope you enjoy this chapter. This story will end soon. :)

Tara's POV:

Everything goes by so fast. Everyone of us could only stand there and watch. I hear the shots. I'm sure the others hear it too. I cling to this paralysed body tight, fearing for what will happen. Fearing the reality. Fearing everything.

"Get down on your knees! Get down now!" They sounded so loud.

And I bring her unmoved body closer to mine. I hear her heartbeat slowing down. This isn't happening. God, don't take her away from us. I could care less about the noise, the gun shots, and the cries. All that matters is that the person I care about the most is at the verge of death. And there's nothing I could do but pray.


It's been almost a week. And still there's no movement but the beeping of the machine. She's knocked out cold. Her friends and I have been taking turn to watch over her. Other people have been coming in to visit her too. I never realised how popular she is in hew new school but I guess anyone can tell by the number of visits, flowers and gifts people have been bringing over.

"How is she?" a voice startled me.

To my right is none other than the person Ivy sacrificed herself for; Mandy.

"Nice of you to finally show up," I backlashed her.

After things happened the way they were at the school, Mandy has never even visited Ivy, not even once. Now here she is today, behind the glass of the hospital room, just as much as I am. I stare at her right in the eyes to try and even read her emotions. All I find is remorse. And tears.

"I've wanted to come here."

"Why didn't you?" I snapped.

"Because I was confused, okay! I needed time! I didn't understand," she finally broke.

The cold and heartless bitch finally broke. And this is the first I've ever seen her in this state. Of course, I couldn't let my nasty words escape my mouth now that she's like this. I take a deep breath, to calm down my rage.

"What don't you understand," I asked, almost rhetorically, through my gritted teeth.

"Why she would do it? After all that I've done to her, why would she help me escape? And she knew perfectly well that if she do it, they would kill her," her words were hanging.

"They shot her. When you fled the scene, Ivy was already blacked out. But before I could rush to her, they shot her. The doctor said she lost a lot of blood. But she will make it," I feel my voice lost to an incoming sob.

I close my eyes, remembering the incident that happened at the fancy school. When everyone thought they saw hatred in Ivy's eyes, I recognised it as a make-believe. I know that look anywhere. She used to have those in her eyes whenever she wants to escape my dreadful cheer team by making an excuse before bolting the other way. It makes me chuckle, remembering those times. But that chuckle turns into a weak smile as I remember what happened. No, Ivy didn't use that knife to hurt Mandy, or herself for that matter. She used it to help Mandy escape. The knife cut through the sealer that handcuffed Mandy's hands. And as if on cue, Mandy picked herself up and ran to the door, where the police arrived just in time as the three intruders let their bullets fly.

"She said you deserved it, didn't she?" I remembered her exact words.

Mandy looks at me, her eyes bewildered with painful tears.

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