Journal Entry - Part One

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Today marks the 7th day of Summer.

                Dad was right. This town truly is a beautiful place. The neighbours are nice. The flowers bloom freely on the ground and animals roam freely without being a pest to anyone. The sun always brightens up the day even when it's hot. While at night, the stars flicker down upon us like particles of air. The lake brings the peacefulness altogether. But that's not even the special part because the most beautiful thing, or shall I say, person, is and always will be Tara Cooper. Her blonde hair magnificently highlights her round baby blue eyes. They remind me of my marbles that Nana passed down to me before she went to Heaven. Her slim nose crooks a bit to the right but I think that just makes her incredibly beautiful. And when she smiles, I feel like she's the never ending sun during dark winter nights. And this insanely gorgeous girl has the perfect name I've ever heard; Tara. Like a tiara, she shines so bright when she rises to the top. I never believed in love at first sight but I could be wrong. There is definitely something magical about this girl that I can't seem to take my eyes off her. Even her scent is alluring. I want to smell more of it. Weird. When we first met, I took a lot of courage to speak to her and not run away. And it was the best action I've ever taken so far. Hearing her cracked voice makes her more real than just a barbie doll. She was heart broken when I found her. The raspiness made it hard for me to understand what she tried to say but I found her voice alluring that I couldn't stop from hearing more. Could I be in love? I hope I'll find out because I want to make her smile more.


10th day of Summer

The more time I spent with her, the more convinced I am of my feelings for her. Turned out her chuckles and laughter are more addictive. Me being the clumsy me always making a fool out of myself. I am just a plain average girl but I hope she will continue to stay with me so we could spend more time with each other. My cousin's wedding is in another week. I do hope I find the courage to ask her to go with me. Sheryl wouldn't mind me bringing a plus one. And before we parted off today, she kissed me, on the cheek. Though I was a bit disappointed our lips didn't meet, I was still grateful that she would let her lips to touch my skin. And I promise myself not to let anyone else touch me where she kissed!


17th day of Summer.

It was nerve wrecking trying to ask her but after stumbling with the words, she lunged at my lips and we kissed, giving me the courage to do what I intended to do. And she said yes. So today, just like a couple, we went to Sheryl's wedding, with beautiful dresses. I will never forget how the red dress looked perfect on her beautiful figure. The sun's reflection on her dress just made her glow. Every boy at the wedding wanted to dance with her but she chose me to dance with the entire day. I was a bit sad that we didn't match because I was only wearing this soft blue dress while she shone like a queen. I looked more like her maiden. She met my sister, Peyton. But somehow Peyton didn't like her. It was weird. Jude can't make it because her husband was involved in a small accident back home. Mom was there but she was so busy that I didn't get the chance to introduce them. Luckily for me, Peyton was still civilised. I think I saw Tara frowned a little when Peyton gave her a warning not to hurt me. Peyton was wrong. Tara has been nothing but perfect, kind and loving to me. She would never hurt me. Looking into her eyes, I saw that promise.

And when the sun set by the river, we once again shared our second kiss. It was perfect. I felt like I was electrocuted. My body shivered and it gave me goose bumps. But then it turned sweet and long after our tongue danced, we lost ourselves. That was the best kiss I've ever had. And we continued to make plans for the rest of summer. I've met her Mom a few times and she liked me instantly. She even called me her Teddy Bear. Something seemed off though but Tara wouldn't talk about it. Maybe it was because her father was rarely home. Maybe she felt lonely whenever her mom had to go to social events in the neighbourhood. Her eyes looked so sad sometimes that I couldn't leave her alone. I'd spend many nights at her house, sleeping in the same bed at her with her arms wrapped tightly around my waste; not that I mind one bit. ;)


Last day of Summer.

Something was off with Tara today. She hardly spoke a word. Even when we were eating our ice cream, she seemed as if she was in another world. I tried to get her to talk to me but she refused so I let her be. Often enough, she'd always wrap her arms tightly around my waist and kiss me hard today. It was as if this was the last time we'll see each other. 

But we will see each other because I'm going to the same school as her. Her eyes grew wide for a while but then she remembered what I told her the first time we met. She just said, 'oh'.  When I asked her what was her school like, she just said it was just as any other school. I teased her about she being the most popular girl in school and her frown just got worse. I'm worried and tried to talk to her but she said it was nothing. The day went by so slow to me because I am excited to be at school tomorrow. Tara was tuned off by the conversation so I kept the conversation short. 

I wanted to ask her what is the status of our relationship because none of us had yet ask to be her girlfriend yet. It is confusing. She holds me like she more than just like me. And our sweet kisses always turn into hot make out. We talk about things we never told anyone else. Am I just a friend with benefits to her? Nah, she wouldn't do that to me. How do I know? Because of her eyes. They always look so pure of love whenever they stare into mine. 

Before she went home, she gave me a long kiss. Somehow it felt different, as if she was saying goodbye so I teared up a bit. She lifted my chin and told me to never cry because it breaks her heart. "I like you; a lot," was what she said. And it made me smile. She pulled me into her warm and welcoming arms, not wanting to let go. The feeling was mutual. When she finally let go, she kissed the top of my head and walked away. But before she walked away, I was sure I heard her whisper sorry and caught a glimpse of her eyes. They were teared up. I just hope tomorrow gets better for her. 




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