may forgiveness find me one day

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Trying my best at this chapter. Hope it works!


"What kind of fun?" I asked him, fear of his answer.

I step ahead of Tara and try to protect her. I can't let more people to die especially not Tara.

"Ivy, don't," Tara whispered.

That might be the smartest move but I wouldn't let them touch her. Angie just laughs at my attempt and points the gun to my chest.

"It would be like killing two bitches with one bullet," she laughed, tilting her head like a psycho bitch.

"Stop," Tara begged me.

Jo gently pushes Angie's gun away from my chest. And I sigh in relief. Anyone might think I'm brave but I'm not. I'm scared as hell. My heart has been beating so loudly non-stop. My palms are sweating. My feet are cold. My limbs feel as if they're petrified, unable to move as fast as it is supposed to be.

"Remember who's the enemy here," he reminded Angie and she reluctantly backed away.

I don't know what their deals are here. But I have some clues. Earlier, when I heard their voices in my head, Jo used the pronoun our instead of your. That must mean they too have been victims? It makes sense! Why else would they refuse to negotiate with the cops? They don't want money. And Jo said he's killed two people already. One of them is Michael. He did it to protect me from Michael.

"You said you ki-killed two people already. Who's the other one?" I asked them softly, not wanting to make them mad.

This is also an attempt to delay whatever plan they had for Tara. And maybe try to get into their heads. Jo who looked calm from the beginning starts to lose control when I asked that question. His face scrunched up in hatred. His eyes are bloody red. I can see veins popping out on his temples. He then kicks the lifeless Michael. Though his body jerked to the action, we all know he was already dead.

"An old enemy," he spat with so much hatred.

I close my eyes and pray they both didn't suffer through too much pain when they were killed. Don't get me wrong, they both were probably bad people. Some might even think they deserve to die but the idea of killing another person is just ruthless. Could these people have been me? Would I have become them?

"What did they do?" I asked in a low whisper, fearing for whatever tragedy that struck them to cause them to start a killing scene.

"What didn't they do!" Angie scoffed.

Jo laughs maniacally and I start to whimper in fear. Out of these three, I thought he was the most sensible one but apparently he's the mad one. His laughter is really scaring me. It's as if all of this is funny to him. The hall echoes with his evil laughter it trembles my heart.

"Physical assault, verbal abuse, humiliation, drug influence, rape."

The r word has always been a sensitive issue to me. Remember the incident where I ran out of the principal's office? It was when Peyton said the r word. Automatically, I feel dirty. Like I've been touched everywhere and had no power to stop it. And still they keep touching. No, focus Ivy! I have to block those memories! Tara's touch on my shoulder makes me jump in flinch and unfortunately that caused a scene.

"Jumpy, aren't we?" Jo noticed.

All eyes are on me. No, don't look at me. I hope they don't see right through me!

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