my first project

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OMG I'm so excited! It's Saturday and I had to wake up early because today's the day we're going to meet our target community! We would have to hurry back though because tomorrow morning we have to open a booth for our Recruitment Drive. I'm surprised the Principal allowed us to go out that easily but I guess it had something to do with our club's prestige. Eddie said they found last year's t-shirt when he was digging through our store (yes, can you believe it? We even have our own store. I'm yet to go there and check out the stuff but that's a story for another time). It is a Duke Blue colour with a small Enactus logo on our left chest. I check myself out in the mirror. And yeah, I am that self absorbed. Surprisingly, I feel a bit proud wearing the t-shirt. I feel like I finally have somewhere I belong to. There's half an hour left so I head to the dining hall since my stomach is grumbling. 

"How many people are going again?" Violet asked tilting her head at me.

"6 including me. The club members and two college kids."

        She looks worried. That's because I'll be going out of the campus to meet the target community. And we're not in a big number. 

"What time do you have to get back?"

"By lunch. Don't worry Violet. Or I will too."

"You've charged your phone right?" another question. 

"Yes, I have your number on speed dial. Besides, the school's van would take us there."

"Wait, why isn't your faculty advisor going again?" she questioned.

"One of them have to attend the school meeting. The other has to go to a conference."

        I've yet to meet our faculty advisors though. Axel said they're one of the busiest teachers at school but we'll get to meet them soon and that meeting wouldn't be our last. I just hope they're young. Coz you know how old teachers tend to be.

"Now, anymore question mom?" I asked her playfully.

She scoffs, "It's only coz I love you."

"I know," I grinned. 

After five minutes, she finally stopped getting worried and let me go.Luckily she's tired from all her dance practice, otherwise, she would have physically blocked the door, refusing to let me go. I know, it's still early this year but Violet's the hard working type. She wants to be prepared . Well, now time to get breakfast!

At the dining hall, Axel, Eddie and Wakana are already there so I grab my yummy omelette and orange juice before joining them.



        Instantly we discuss about this exciting visit. Eddie and Axel are just glad to get out of the school while I'm pretty much worked up on the fact that this will be my first project. Axel and Wakana had already been there a couple of times so I ask them questions on what it's gonna be like. We're about to meet 

"How far is it from school again?" I asked Axel.

"About one hour."

"Do they speak English?"

"Just the basic. UNCHR been giving them some classes from time to time."

"So how are you guys feeling going to your first project?" it was their turn to ask me and Eddie questions.

"Excited. But I'm excited about going to this place just because I've never been there before."

        The name of the place was kept secret from us. It's part of the agreement set by UNCHR. It's for the refugees' own safety. We'd have to remember it by heart and not mention the name of the street to anyone. 

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