you'll see

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This is new for me to write. So forgive the imperfections.


Maybe there is such thing as Zeus' bolt because that's what I'm feeling on my nerves that exist in all parts of my body. But the one where it hurts the most is on my chest; in my heart. It's a good kind of hurt. This is it. This is the kiss that I missed. This is her; my red-haired mystery girl.

"Hi," I breathed out after our long kiss.

Her eyes look as if she's fazed by this. So am I. But I won't allow it to let this girl slip out again. She chuckles after what I said finally sank into her pretty little head.

"Hi," she responded anyway wearing my favourite smile.

"So long as I can see and my eyes can read, so long lives this and this-" I started.

"Gives life to me," she continued.

Those were purposely edited words that I got from Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 and whispered to her ears before we were pulled apart that night at the party. Had to make it my own version so it would be more romantic because I put in a little more effort into it. I stare deep into her crystal blue eyes, feeling so happy that she's here. Something tells me that this is right. That she is right. And that I'm so lucky.

"It's you. I found you," I sighed in relief.

"Well, technically, I found you," she corrected me.

Amused by her response, I just smile in delight. Both of us blush, realising we're too close to each other but neither bothers to move.

"That's true. But did you ever plan on telling me?" I asked her earnestly.

She bites her lips in hesitation.

"Charlie, I want the truth," I gently urged her.

"To be honest, I didn't want to. Because I didn't think you'd want to find me. I thought I was just another girl you kissed last night," she admitted, looking defeated.

"Not true. I really wanted to find you. I was determined to. After all, you did mess up with my head a little after our kiss," I nudged her forehead with mine.

"Really?" her voice was high-pitched but it was still adorable!

"Yeah. I was planning to start by maybe blackmailing Oliver and Arch for the name list to the party. Jena would also get dragged in because she probably knows almost everyone at the school and I would have hunted you down according to the list."

"So you would just randomly approach a girl and kiss her to find out?" she asked teasingly.

"Nope. I've watched Another Cinderella Story. Of course someone could have lied being you. So instead of kissing them, I actually planned to ask them a question."

"Yeah? Like what?" she was getting intrigued by the minute and I noticed her tears are starting to dry.

"Hey, have you seen a girl with red hair that I kissed last night? I need to ask her about the most boring and complicated subject at the school; Physics."

I'm almost offended by her laughing at me. But she's just too cute that I forgive her instantly.

"What? It would have totally worked!" I defended my master plan.

"Really? That would have worked?" she doubted my again.

Sheesh this girl.

"Shut up," I made her quiet by pressing my lips against hers.

And it works. Of course it does. Even my brain can't process anything when our lips touch. She slides her arms around my waist, pulling me closer while I lock my arms around her neck. Have you ever suffered through a brain freeze when drinking something cold? Yeah, I have that right now. And it's all thanks to this kiss. I never want to pull away because I know it would be some time before we could do this again. If I ever want it to work, I would have to take things slow. I've learned my mistake with Tara. I'm not doing it again. This girl tastes so different. Fresh water. Cool but not cold. Sweet and gentle like the river. We spend the time just kissing each other minus the tongue. It's too early for that. But still the kiss is enjoyable. I've never kissed anything softer than her lips. Her slightly bigger lips always capture mine and are always pressed on mine. We would have stayed there longer if we hadn't heard of a very loud pop sound. It echoes so loudly that it shakes my ear drum even though the sound really came from the inside of the building.

Instantly, we pull back and stare in horror to where the sound is coming from. The gunshot is followed by the scream of fear by a lot of people. No wonder we haven't seen anyone, not even here. There are more than 50 schools here so none of them loitering around the parking lot should have been the first thing that we notice. Only, we didn't. Crap. What's happening now?

"Is this a fire drill or something?" I asked Charlie.

She shakes her head in horror. Then it must be what I think it is. I dive into my pockets and quickly search for my phone. Taking it out, I feel so stupid for not charging it up this afternoon!

"Mine's out of battery. Yours?" I asked her.

Charlie takes out hers and hands it to me. But before I could dial it, something cold and round is pointed out at my back. I automatically tense up and stare at the reflection in Charlie's eyes. My heart starts to race even harder than before.

"Give. Me. The. Phone. Now," a voice behind me commanded.

Charlie looks alarmed when she notices what the thing is that is pointed out to me. It feels like it would bruise me if the owner of the husky voice behind me push it harder against my spine. I carefully hold it up. Then I notice my instincts started to take over. My hands are trembling as I hold the phone far to my right.

"Good girl. Now walk through the majestic doors," he ordered again.

Charlie looks upset and then angry. Though I only know her for a while, I think I know what she wants to do by the look on her face. It seems as if she wants to jump on this guy and kill him. Fear already left her eyes and I don't know when that happened but I shake my head in disapproval. I don't want anything bad to happen to her. And I have an idea of what this metal thing that is bruising my skin when I hear a click sound. Charlie reluctantly gives in as I start to start walking and closing the distance between me and her. Taking the closeness that we have, I linked my cold fingers only to meet hers with the exact temperature.

"What's happening? Who are you?" I asked with my back facing him.

That sure gives me little courage to find out what is happening here. The hallways are empty. Have they taken over the whole school? When did they do that?

"You'll see," he said before knocking my head out with the same metal that pointed out to my back before.

The last thing I hear is the sound of Charlie calling my name and wailing in fear of my safety. With no luck, I pass out even before I could see my attacker.


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