Getting sidetracked (haha)

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Charlie's POV:

"OMG C! This is your last chance! You have to talk to her!" Lulu squealed in my ear.

"Yes, Charlie. Would you just grow some balls and make a move?" Jonas said with a hint of boredom in her voice.

"Well ain't that funny? Coz girls don't have balls," I tried to be a smartass.

            Luckily enough, Lulu snickers at my retort. But still my two best friends won't stop complaining. Sheesh! Well, it is partially my fault because they dared me to the other night when we were drunk. And I stupidly accepted the dare. There's no backing out. Cheerleaders always keep their words.

"You know twin sister, if you don't, I would. Anyone would with her looking so adorable and open," Jass interrupted.

            Ugh, nice. Now my twin brother just had to butt in! Jass would have looked like me if it weren't for the fact that I'm slightly better looking. Kidding! We're identical but he's a guy so we don't exactly share the same body parts except for our hair and eye colour. Light brunette with deep hazel eyes. But he is right. She does look very adorable right now.  I don't know why her club is doing the Recruitment today out of all day but boy, this is a very good chance for me. I've been crushing her for the past four months. Who wouldn't? Have you seen her little fan club following her from time to time? But my crushing has nothing to do with her last name or her looks (though they are a bonus!). I always thought she was unreachable especially with two of the most gorgeous girls in school competing over her. What attracted me was not that she had the two gorgeous girls hovering over her, it's just that she didn't really bother with them. I mean, they look like close friends with each trying to steal her attention but she seems too oblivious to notice that. I've never seen anyone so dense. And it's also because she threw me an adorable smile when I looked at her. I didn't really notice I was grinning looking at her until she smiled back. And she had these facial features whenever she smiles genuinely. They look like dimples but really aren't. Still, they make her look even sweeter. I thought she was unreachable even for a cheerleader like me because she seems to be interested in building a good future starting with her club. But today, there she is, approaching strangers and inviting them to be a part of her club. I can feel my cheeks burning and no thanks to my friends, they're giggling so loud it's creating unwanted attention. Then, her eyes lock on mine. She hesitates a bit while biting her lips. Damn, she looks sexy and cute it's crazy! Before I know it, she's in front of me.

"Hey, I saw you looking my way," she said.

            My friends and Jass included are trying hard to contain their laughter but it escaped anyway. I throw a glare at them to shut them up and they respond with a thumbs up and a wink. Gosh, could this be more embarrassing?!

"Um... My president warned me not to approach people who are not available but..." she started..

"Oh no, God no! I'm not unavailable! I am most certainly available! What I mean to say is that I'm single! Yes, Super single!" I blabbed, not wanting her to think that I'm taken.

            She rapidly blinks, as if trying to process what I just said.

"Em.. Okay? Anyways, our club offers many kinds of membership if you can't fully commit considering you're already in the cheerleader team and all. We really need more people to volunteer for our big project. It's really amazing what you get to do in the club; presentation, project, finance, admin. If you're interested to just lend a hand during one of our site visits, you and your cheerleading team is welcome to join. Here," she passed me what seemed like a card.

            I turn it around and read her beautiful name on a slick black business card. Oh, they told me this club had this kind of stuff but I never thought it was true. But what freaks me out is that the business card she gave me is hers. And it has her phone number, email address and her FB and Twitter! Whaaat? I'm super lucky today. I'm pretty sure my little self inside my head is doing random dancing. Oh yeah.

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