Sparring - 19

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--Steve POV--

I sent Tony after Eloyse before falling into thought. I had seen her fighting those two kids slightly older than her, and she was good. I didn't know why she was fighting them, or who attacked first, but when I'd arrived, the fight'd been in full swing. I thoughtfully propped my chin in my hands. Tony was bringing her down from being on watch. She had been quick to volunteer herself, and I liked that. 

Hey, did she say where she was going to keep watch from?

I frowned, pressing my earpiece to activate the mic. No... Having trouble?

There was a short silence from Tony before he reluctantly admitted it. Maybe just a little. She's not near the door, and not nearby at all from what JARVIS can tell.

Have you tried picking up her heat signature? Bruce interjected.

Yea, got a negative.

More interested Avengers were joining the conversation. Clint piped up.

Maybe she took off on us.

Naw, doubtful. She struck me as a nice kid. I was surprised to hear Bucky defending her. I wasn't surprised to hear Wanda's accented tone doing the same.

She vas truthful. She vould not leave. I still feel her, too.

A few minutes later everyone was relieved to hear Tony's triumphant,

Hey, guys, I found her! She's up on the roof, in a snowbank. Good view. Send someone up.

I sighed in relief, clicking my mic off. "Thor, you take next shift." He acknowledged me, rising and ambling from the room, the Mljorner in his hand, as always. I drifted back to my thoughts before our missing-person case.

"Hey, Nat?" The redhead looked up at me. "Would you mind trying Eloyse in a couple rounds of sparring later? Just see what she knows, without pushing too much."

Natasha silently nodded, returning to her book


By the time Eloyse descended from the roof and found the team, nearly thirty minutes had passed. "This building is ridiculous..." she grumbled, helping herself to a sandwich from the table. Turning, she scanned the Avengers, sprawled around the room entertaining themselves and planning battle strategies. She found a corner that was slightly warm, and settled down with her sandwich. 

Natasha curiously eyed the girl, and presently broke off from her conversation and came over to Eloyse. She got right to the point.

"You were set to fight me the other day when I found you. And you sent Clint for a loop when he stole your bow. Steve says you were handling the bullies attacking you with ease until you lost focus. I want you to come spar with me a little."

Eloyse was suspicious. "Why?"

"Because you're better than the average, and I'd like to see how and why."

"Both my parents were part of elite groups of fighters. They've taught me and my brother."

"Good! Come along anyway. I saw a room for training when I looked around."

She led the way off, Eloyse nervously following. Wanda glanced up as they left, but other than that nobody appeared to notice.

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