Tony - 13

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**So something happened, and Chapter 12 vanished. I'm not exactly sure how to get it back, but I think 11 and 13 will fit together until (if) I write another chapter 12.**

**Edit 9/20/19: This one is for rillanda and candealer. Thank you for reading and voting!**

**Edit 4/14/20: I inserted random bits I've written in place of an actual chapter for 12. Just treat that chapter like a bunch of one-shots :)**

The next morning found Eloyse wishing she had never been born. The team had convinced her to sleep in the jet, and she'd suspiciously relented. Now she was thankful she had. Even with the softness of the blankets beneath her, she felt sore and stiff, like she couldn't move. A sunbeam discovered a way into the jet, lighting Eloyse's face. She groaned. Keeping her eyes closed, she reached out and blindly shoved the sunbeam away. It drifted back, however. This time she reached out both hands, wadded the light up, and threw it toward the other end of the jet. Finally in peace, she returned to her wallow of self pity. Her ribs hurt; she'd probably completely broken them.

"Where'd this thing come from....?" A sleepy, confused, yet angry voice came from the end of the jet. Eloyse peeked an eye open as an lengthy string of curses followed the irritated question. The sunbeam she'd thrown off was floating over Clint, dedicatedly shining in his eyes. Eloyse chuckled and rolled over, gasping slightly as she did.

No laughing, it hurt.

"This don't obey the laws of anything." Clint's quiet grumble was still heard. "There's nowhere for it to come from. It jus-" he stopped, and slowly sat up to look across the jet. The lumps and bundles that were sleeping Avengers scattered over the floor, but he was after a specific one. "Eloyse?"


"Did you do this?"


"Then please explain why the sun can been seen through your window, yet it's hitting the floor over here?"

"I have no idea."

Clint shoved at the sunbeam, only to have his hand pass through it. "Eloyse, get this damn thing outta here!"

"Shut up, Barton." Tony's voice came from a stack of blankets. Eloyse tugged her covers over her head with a soft groan. She heard Natasha stirring a few feet away.

"Yea, archer. You're waking everybody up."

"Nat, I swear-"

"Don't swear. Problem solved. Go back to sleep." Steve's sleepy voice resounded through the plane.

"Why? Didn't you want to be moving out by dawn?" Eloyse couldn't resist pointed out. Steve sat straight up. Nobody else moved. He cast one glance at the bright sunlight out the window and he was practically ejected from his blankets.

"Everybody up!" He shouted. "Roll out!" He began hurrying around, jerking blankets off and literally throwing them to a corner of the jet. Eloyse watched with eyes peeking over her blanket as Clint was methodically buried. When Steve approached her, she glared at him and retreated under her cover, daring him to try and take her's away. Because she was new, he decided to leave her be and rouse out everyone else. He raced off, intent upon Tony's goose-feather quilt blanket.

Eloyse grimaced at she heard the blanket rip, and she didn't dare to look. She crawled to her feet, head shawled by her blanket. She kept her eyes closed, trying to just breath as she leaned wearily against the side of the jet. Her side had hurt as she rode back yesterday, but nothing compared to how it hurt after a night of stiffening up. She had to go take care of Damian, and let the blanket slide to the floor. Steve was taking care of the blankets. She had slept dressed, so didn't worry about that.

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