Chapter 28 - The truth shall set you free...

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Hey guys so I know that a few of you have asked about the details of the competition. I will be releasing all details about the competition, who can enter and all the rules along with the next chapter :)

I haven't edited this yet so sorry if there are any major mistakes x

Chapter 28 - The truth shall set you free...

"Good morning sleeping beauty," I heard a voice say as I slowly forced my eyes open.

"Mmmm," I mumbled as I tried to focus my eyes since the light coming through the window seemed to be suffocating them.

"Crystal?" I asked, confused by my surroundings.

"Yes, who else would it be you doughnut. Come on, get up, girly day out!!" She said in an excited tone, that in my opinion was far too loud for first thing in the morning.

When I was finally able to open my eyes I realised that I was lying in the guest room bed much to my surprise. I guess that Aiden must have carried me up last night after I fell asleep. The fact that I was still dressed in yesterday's outfit also told me that he had tried to be the 'gentleman' again. He made me laugh.

"Ok, I'm coming just give me a minute," I muttered as I watched the huge grin on Crystal's face as she left the room.


After thirty minutes I was dressed, ready and on my way down the stairs.

"Hey," I said as I walked into the living room where Crystal was sat waiting impatiently.

"Finally! I've been waiting forever!" She replied as she jumped up from the chair and switched the TV off.

"Ok, so where do you want to go?"

"Well I was thinking that we could go to the park, chill out for abit and then go to the mall," she said as she looked at me.

"Ok, sounds good, hope food is included somewhere in this little outing though," I replied as we both began to head towards the front door.

"Of course! Oh, hang on, I left my bag in my room, I'll be two seconds," she said as she quickly leapt up the stairs.

"Ok," I said as I pulled my vibrating phone out of my pocket.

"Hello," I said as I answered the phone.

"Hello sweetheart," a happy and excited sounding voice answered.

"Mom? I didn't recognise the number".

"Oh, I'm calling off our your Aunt May's phone with one of them calling cards," she replied.

"Oh ok, well it's great to hear from you, I've really missed you".

"I've missed you too baby. How is everything?"

"It's great, I have a lot to tell you when you get back," I said thinking about me and Aiden.

"Good I hope?"

"Yes mom," I replied as I let out a little giggle.


"How's Aunt May?"

"Not great but we're doing all that we can to keep her comfortable and make your Grandma happy," she replied in a sad voice.

"I'm proud of you all and I can't wait till you get back. I think the guys owe us a game of charades," I said as we both began laughing.

"Yes they do except this time we need to win. Well you take care of yourself and make sure that you're helping around the house, it was good of Susan to let you stay," she said.

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