Cheers, Mathletes, and Touchdowns Part Three

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I smiled up at Alexi as we walked down the hallway the next morning. Now the natural order was restored and I could feel the balance everywhere in the school. It was official, Alexi and I were dating.

When he asked me yesterday, I almost had a fit. I don't know Shelley had said to him before I saw his car but it worked. I am so happy I could let the fact that my assistant cheer captain, Beverly was either gaining weight or wearing something that actually made her you-know-what look bigger, slide.

Could, but not quite.

Shelley was sulky behind me as she walked with her newest boy-toy. Its a wonder the guys kept coming, she had such a disagreeable character. I was giddy, it had actually happened. Maybe the call was a good idea after all.


It was all over the school.

It wasn't news to me because I thought it was true already, apparently, it just became official. Typical of Alexi, the hottest girl in County High this time. When Valerie told me that morning I didn't want to believe it. Alexi and April, the stupidest combination of the year. I could almost hear hearts breaking as girls realized the fact that Alexi had hooked up yet again. This time with someone more befitting.

He was a senior after all and everyone knew how stuff like this worked out. The head boy and head girl hooked up, either go to college or get hitched right after graduation. The bottom line is that in small towns like Stephen County, they did get hitched and churn out the next generation of players and cheerleaders.

Somehow, oddly, I could feel my own heart breaking. You know the queasy feeling you get when you find out that a guy you fancied had a girlfriend. I didn't even fancy him so I didn't understand why I felt like that. Maybe all that talk yesterday had given me some sort of hope. Hope for what exactly? I don't know. I'm just saying its how I feel.

"This time it looks that they'll last, you know, with the whole balance thing?" Valerie was saying.

What balance thing? "What are you talking about?" I asked as we both walked down to our second period Spanish class. I was in a bad enough mood already just at the thought of Spanish without adding Alexi's newest indiscretion to the mix. Not that its any of my business.

"What am I talking about? Or what are you talking about? Its Alex and April. I still can't believe it." Valerie said.

"What balance thing?" I asked thoroughly confused.

Valerie looked at me like I was dumb. "For the smartest girl in this school, you are incredibly thick when it comes to stuff like this. I meant the balance, you know, the scale that is righted because the primo boy and girl are mow together. That?" Valerie said, searching my face like she couldn't believe I didn't figure it out on my own.

"That's total rubbish. How can the balance of the universe rest on two people dating?" I just didn't get it.

"Not the whole universe, dum, the school." Valerie tried to explain.

"So?" I asked still not getting it.

"Because its right. R-I-G-H-T. Right. That's how its supposed to be. You know all that rich marrying rich stuff. Look what happened to princess Diana." She said.

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