Cheers, Mathletes and Touchdowns Part Twenty-Two

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For my newest fan, @ILoveSpottyUnderwear. thx for ur support.

Part Twenty-Two


There was no sign of anything being wrong with Sam, at least not physically. Or it might be the alcohol dulling my sense of sight and perceptiveness. Or it was the way her friends rallied around her, protecting her from me, thereby making me look like I was the villain or some evil vampire out to suck her blood that made me look closer.

And when I did, the emptiness, quickly replaced by sadness and disappointment which was reflected in her eyes made me almost stagger backwards.

“What happened?” I asked her moving forward to touch her arm again. Her friend interrupted my progress yet again and gave me a look that would have gotten blood from a lesser guy, daring me to come closer or say anything else.

I put up my hands in surrender and stepped backwards till I was flanked by her two male friends.

“Was it all part of the plan?” the friend on the right tapped me on the shoulder and asked.

“Though I think it would have gone down better if you had been there laughing and adding more to the humiliation,” the friend on the right added.

“What are you talking about?” I asked confused, my brain clearing up a bit and trying to understand what was going on.

All of them, except maybe Sam, looked confused at my confusion.

“What do you mean?” the guy on the right asked again. Even in my mind, I still couldn’t stop referring to him as Wong Chu even though Sam had corrected me so many times. I tell you, Wong Chu was a lot more fitting than Ben Hampton.

“That I don’t know what you are talking about!” I exclaimed.

They looked at each other before Sam’s female friend nodded and the guy on the left stepped out to explain. Immediately he opened his mouth, I could feel it had something to do with Sam and the combination of Shelley and April but I wanted to be proven wrong so I waited for the guy to explain. It occurred to me that I didn’t even know his name, but in that instant, I couldn’t care less.

“Your pretty girlfriend and her witch of a best friend humiliated Sam today in front of everyone,” the boy started. “She insulted her and then dumped a cup of equal parts beer and punch down the front of Sam’s very beautiful dress.”

As he spoke, I could feel the heat of anger rise in my heart, and could almost feel the smoke coming out of my ears.

That... that- I couldn’t come up with a word vile enough to describe what I felt that instant.

I looked up and noticed they were all looking at me weirdly, Sam’s eyes held a little bit of fear and she even flinched a bit. I looked down and noticed my hands were curled into fists and then I knew my face was probably all red and twisted.

I took deep breaths, grateful for all the therapy session I had a very long time ago when I still had anger management issues. I felt my face relax and my hands unclench, and I spoke as calmly as I could manage,

“When did this happen?”

“About a few minutes ago,” Wong Chu replied.

Val eyes me suspiciously, “Hey, how come you didn’t know that? How come you weren’t there?” When I shrugged, she continued, “It’s a party for goodness’ sake, a person is not just supposed to walk away and leave his crazy girlfriend who has a crazier best friend on the loose.”

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