Cheers, Mathletes, and Touchdowns Part Sixteen

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A/N: I don’t think I’m a very good romance writer but I promise to deliver my best. This is to say a very big thank you to mia_culpa9889 and shelbylw03 for being loyal followers of my story. Your continued support and comments have seen me through the darkest days and made me gather the courage and will to write thw next word or next chapter. Thanks a lot, I love and appreciate you.

Well, as is obvious, this is a new chapter. It’s actually Alexi’s turn but I decided Val has earned the chance to let her voice be heard, so, I’ll let you get on with it.

Thanks again.



ps- i would have written more, but my brain feels maxed out, sorry.

Part Sixteen


I dropped my math textbook on the kitchen counter and grabbed a cookie from the basket sitting on the counter.

“Hey, Mom,” I yelled, “is this a new batch?”

“Yeah,” she yelled back, “I got it on my way back from work this afternoon.” I quickly grabbed two more and proceeded to run up to my room before my mother started in on me and the guy I was kissing in her driveway.

I should have learnt from experience that I was never that lucky. She intercepted me at the foot of the stairs.

“Hey, there, young lady,” My mother started, crossing her arms.

“Hey Mom, How are you doing?” I asked in a sickeningly innocent voice. Since I’ve not had much practice, I didn’t think I pulled it off well.

“Oh,” my mother replied, matching my tone of voice, “I’m fine. How was school today?”

“Fantastic, as always,” I replied, a bit out of breath.

“It must have been more fantastic than usual because it isn’t every day I see my daughter kiss a boy in my driveway on her way back from what was obviously a date,” my mother said, dead-panning. “In fact, as far as I can remember, I don’t think I have ever seen such a thing before.”

I smiled sheepishly, “It’s because such a thing has never happened before.”

“Care to elaborate?” my mother asked, still with that fake patronizing voice.

“I don’t kiss boys on my way back from a date because apart from the fact that I’ve never been on a date, I’ve never kissed a guy,” I told her.

She smiled indulgently, “While that is marking a new milestone in your life, it can also be the start of a lot of things. Just promise me you’ll be careful.”

“I will, I promise,” I crossed my heart.

I had somehow expected a man-hating boys-are-no-good speech because of what my father did to her, and so I was happy this was just what she said.

“Are you happy?” My mother asked, taking in my face.

I nodded and my mother came down the stairs to put her arms around me and lead me back upstairs to my room.

“So, what’s his name? How long have you known him? Where is he from? How old is he? Are you going out with him now?” she threw out the questions one after the other.

“Whoa, Mom, go a bit easy on me. I still can’t believe it yet myself.”

“Alright,” my mom said, helping me with my bag and pushing open my bedroom door.

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