Dear, Mr. Mister im going to beat your ass

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*a few weeks later*
(Beckin comics.)


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Becky Lynch Point Of View

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Becky Lynch Point Of View

Qoute of Page: Hell yeah

I walked into work hand and hand with Justin. I soon let go of his hand after a few seconds. Which wasn't wise because he whistled at me. I turned around and rose an eyebrow.

Justin gave me that playful smirk of his his hand in his pocket as the other one held his suitcase. "Good luck Becky Lynch!" He said with a smile.

I rolled my eyes and got ready to turn around. "Your so embarrassing some times." I mumbled as he wouldn't hear me with the distance I had on him.

"Becky's my Hot ginger wife...umm too sweet!" Justin said as I turned around to see the good brothers arrived and had there elbows on Justins shoulders.

I rolled my eyes before Finn came up behind me. "THE MAN!" Finn said before Seth came up with him as well.

I walked into my room leaving the boys to handle this all on there own. I soon walked to the bench and sat my suitcase down as I went through it to realize I had Justins gear.

I heard a knock on my door and open the door just a little before opening it completely to see Justin's Face. I stepped aside as he walk into my locker room.

He soon zipped up what I thought was my bag and rolled it back over to me. "I love you and I wish you the best on your match." Justin said to me as he kissed my cheek soon leaving the room.

I watched him leave the room as he went to his locker room. I soon shut my door and got ready for my match.

I left my locker room after getting dressed. I just got done with the glam squad and I made my way to Catering to see Justin talking to Sami. "Hello Becky." Sami said in which Justin let out a low growl about.

Sami smiled and looked at me. "Ohh you jealous?" Sami asked as I looked at Justin. We all know Justin is a very jealous man.

Justin pushes Sami off of him. Soon earning a glare from Sami. Sami went to hit Justin and Justin blocked it showing him backwards. "I'm not Jealous." Justin said in a whisper as he looked at the ground.

I patted his back as I looked at Sami I soon glared at Sami. "Justin your always jealous and you know what gives it away?" I asked him as I placed my head onto his back.

Justin slowly turned around and looked at me. "What's is that Rebecca?" He asked as he gave me his handsome stare. His brown eyes staring into mine gets me every time.

I looked at him I slowly stepped closer to him my finger dancing up his chest to his shoulder. "You get all aggressive when Sami or any other boy looks at me." I admitted as I smiled at him.

Justin bit down on his bottom lip before his tongue slid across his bottom lips. "I wouldn't have to be so jealous of you weren't so beautiful." Justin told me as he looked at me.

I placed my forehead to his as I looked at him. My hand on the back of his head. My fingers placing with his brown hair as my lips would die to feel his lip press against mine even if it was a few seconds. I always preferred him to sneak the move but once in a while I guess I had to.

Justin's eyes shut as my hands ran through his silk soft hair. My lips frowning closer to his till a clearing of the throat caused me to jump back. Justin's soft groan as he looked at me and then the producer.

I looked at Justin and placed a kiss to his cheek. His hand gently around my waist as he gently spun me around and gave me a quick kiss. The kiss I was dying for. "I needed some Irish luck Rebecca." Justin said to me in a whisper as his hand let go and he walked to the curtain.

I shook my head as I licked my lip. Some things he does never get old like that. He always made me feel like it was our first kiss so much passion. He always was trying to impress me which was so handsome of him. He was always a rough type of passionate.

Like the first time he placed his fingers in my belt loop of my jeans and pulled my Hips onto his. He never seemed to be phased by it either. I'm sure he was but he never seemed to leave me unimpressed.

I walked over to the monitor with a smile as I saw Justin grab the microphone. He tossed it up a few times before looked at the crowd and then the camera. I stood there like a fan girl. My cheek bright red as he stared into my soul. "Damn." I mumbled and some girl patted my

I turned around to see Naomi. "You two are so adorable." Naomi said as I smiled as I looked at Justin.

I soon looked at the floor as I smiled a little. The fact she brought 'us' up made me light up like a light bulb. "Well Umm I would say it is all Justin." I admitted as Sami walked by.

Justin has been talking on the microphone the whole time and well before I knew Sami's music was playing and I was all ear and eyes for what Justin was going to say.

"Hello Mr. I'm going to beat your ass." Justin said with a smile. "Well Sami how has it been? You have been flirting with my have managed to do a lot of things and I think your biggest accomplishment is possible getting a victory over me and well that wasn't very impressive because I could have best myself." Justin said as he looked at Sami as Sami stood directly in Justin's face.

I watched so closely as my husband was being very attractive. My cheeks a burning red as I just enjoyed watching him shirtless in the ring.

"Listen here Lynch. Your nothing more than a B+ player or wrestler your never going to be on anything more than the pre show. You think that since your married to Becky Lynch that you should be entitled to everything. It doesn't work like that." Sami said as in Justin's face.

I looked at the screen glaring as I watched Justin's step forward and Sami Step back. Justin's cocky smile hitting his face. "Sami listen hear. Your talking like I'm the man asking for child support and well I am not. So listen here. I don't care what I have to do to shove my throat down your throat. I'm going to punch you in the face and then I'm going to beat your ass we clear?" Justin asked as he got in Sami's face. Before I knew it Justin Did just as he said he punched Sami.

Justin punched Sami and then tossed Sami around slightly around like a rag doll. Justin's body moving to we're Sami was. He soon started to kick Sami. An evil smirk finding my face. "Hell yeah." I cheered as I smiled.

Justin soon started to through punches to Sami's head as he soon was pulled away by security and all I saw was Justin smirking at the camera until he sent the camera a wink. And with that wink I went weak in my shoes.

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