Pain Killers

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Chapter 19


I've been sitting in this room for three day's waiting for Georgia to wake up. I stood up, closing the door behind me as i ventured down the long white hallway, attempting to find a restroom.

I approached the heavy wooden door and locked it once it was closed, looking at my tiresome reflection in the mirror. The bags that appeared under my eyes were from lack of sleep that has phaysed me over the course of these long three days.

I refused to sleep. I didn't risk closing my eyes for more than that of a natural blink and miss Geirgia waking up.

I splashed frigid water on my face, trying to shock myself awake for just a little bit longer. I took a leak before i reopened the door and ventured back down the hall to Georgia's hospital room.

The door was opened and I heard talking "Miss Mane please calm down," I heard someone say in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Where's Damian? I need my boyfriend," I heard Georgia's sluring voice cry out. She was awake!

"I need Damian," she cried once more before I hurried into the room to wittness two nurses trying to hold Georgia down as she struggled.

"Hey I'm here," I said reassuringly, making her attention become focused on me.

She began to cry "What's going on?" she asked as she relaxed slightly.

"Calm down okay? You're going to rip your incisions," one of the nurses snapped at her, making her cry harder.

"Angel calm down. They are only trying to help you," I said as I held her hand in mine tight.

Her bruises were dark purple today and the nurses only seemed to be gripping onto them as they held her down forcefully.

"Angel please?" I asked as she slowly stopped struggling. The nurse put some medication into her IV and turned to me

"Absolutley no PDA!" she snapped and left behind the other one. Wow, what a complete and utter bitch!

"Did they hurt you?" I asked as she rubbed her arm gently. They must have given her some pain medication because she began to giggle.

"Sh I didn't tell anyone," she giggled and covered her face with her hands.

"Tell anyone what?" I asked and let out a soft chuckle. She blushed brightly.

"Come cuddle me," she slurred as her eyes fluttered open and closed several times.

"I don't think the nurses would appreciate that angel," I said awkwardly as her hand went up to play with her hair.

"Damian," she choked out as her face turned to pure horror from the sudden realization that her hair was missing.

I do have to admit, her hair looked horrible for the time being. I was badly uneven and extremly choppy at other places.

When she gets released for here I'll take her to get it fixed correctly. She started crying "Damian, it fell off," she sobbed. She attempted to get out of her hospital bed to look at it but her cast and the IV held her down.

"Sh baby it's okay," I said as I got her in bed and joined her, attempting the impossible of trying to calm her down.

"It'll grow back baby, I promise," I said as she tried to take her gown off.

"Woah keep that on please," I said as her boobs came out and she flashed me. I covered my eyes and pulled her top up as well as the blanket, hoping that she wouldnt attempt that again.

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