This Terrible Home

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Chapter 10


"Put these on. Please?" he asked, handing my his hoodie and my shorts. He turned around and I put them on over my soaked undergarments.

"Come with me. I'm going to get you cleaned up," he said, pulling my sleeves up. The blood remained o my arms as he led me down the hallway and into the kitchen.

Everyone looked at me and slowly everyones eyes grew larger as they spotted my wrists. Damian poured peroxide onto my wrists, sending an intense burning sensation through my body.

"It hurts," I whispered, crying slightly.

"I know and I'm sorry" he said as he dabbed a towel over them gently.

"What happened?" Keegan asked, standing beside me.

"Well for one you idiots tried to drown her and two you continuously bully her," Damian snapped, obviously angry.

Keegan sat down as Damin grabbed some gauze and wrapped it around my wrists. "Never again. Okay?" he said, gently pressing his lips onto the covered cuts. I nodded my head, making him stand up and walk over to his friends as he was still obviously pissed off.

"I honestly don't give a crap as to what you think about me right now. Just do me a favor though and stop hurting her. She's done nothing to you so kindly back off," he lectured them as he clenched and unclenched his fists.

They looked up at his with surprise written all over their faces as he tirned to face me and brought me out of the room. He went to take me into the livingroom but Sherri and Ryan were sitting on the couch making out.

"Let's uh go upstairs to my room then. Okay?" Damian whispered, nudging my rib cage. I nodded my head as he led mu upstaird, I couldn't help but let the feeling of guilt take over.

He opened his door and led me inside his bedroom. His room was filled with band posters and different types of speakers. I couldn't help but stare in awe; I half expected to see posters of half naked women covering his walls.

"You like it?" he asked as I stood staring with my mouth hung wide open, him taking a seat on his bed.

"I freaking love your room!" I exclaimed, letting my inner band geek roam.

His eyebrows raised up awkwardly as he looked at me. "You do?" he asked. "Bro! I'm not wearing a bring me the horizon shirt yesterday for nothing," I said, a blush spreading across both of our cheeks.

"Come on. Take a seat," he said as he patted the mattress. I slowly made my way to his bed, sitting on it softly.

"Why?" he asked as he gently ran his fingers across my bandages that covered my wrists. I shook my head as I hung my head low on my shoulders as I looked at my lap.

"Was it because of the things they said to you?" he asked, quietly.

"It's not just that anymore Damian," I said as I kept my gaze on my lap.

"Well what is it then, Georgia?" he asked as he played with my fingers. How on earth was I supposed to tell him? I couldn't just say I was terrified that I was going to die and leave him alone, can I? After all he did leave all his friends so he could comfort me.

"Georgia. Please?" he asked once more as his voice cracked slightly. I looked up at him and spotted the tears that threatned his eyes if I continued to say nothing.

I wrapped my arms around him tight and nuzzled my face into his neck.

"I was afraid I was going to leave you," I whispered, hugging him tighter. I could feel his warm tears on the nape of my neck as he hugged me tighter.

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