Let The Games Begin

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Chapter 6
(Crown the empire- the fallout)
"Thanks," I heard Damian mutter to the pizza man.

"To the basement!" Ryan declared, opening the door and charging like a wild bull downstairs.

We followed Ryan as Jace carried the food and everyone seemed content.

"Georgia are these yours?" Damian asked, holding up my black lacy underwear. I snatched them from his grasp as the other boys chuckled.

"gahh! Yes! Now go away so we can change!" I said as I glared at him.

They laughed as they walked down the hall to the game room. Hesitating, I removed my swimsuit and replaced it with my black pajama shorts and tank top as Sherri put her pajamas on. She had pale pink shorts and a Hollywood Undead shirt on, typical.

We took the hallway to the game room where the boys were sitting, devouring the pizza. "Woah! Fatties! Same some for us you pigs," Sherri interrupted and scavenged some food for us.

She handed me a slice and I denied "I'm not hungry," I tried.

"Eat," she said and force the food onto me. She had a threatening way of doing things but that gets things done in her book I guess.

"So what are the plans for tonight?" Chris asked, still stuffing his face with food.

"We decided to play spin the bottle and or truth or dare," Damian said, glancing at me then back to Keegan, Chris, and Jace.
They nodded, smirking slightly as they continued to eat like it was their job.

Their sinister grins made me feel slightly suspicious as to what they had planned for tonight.

"oh Georgia. I also invited Agatha over for a few hours," Sherri chimed in disappointedly.

Agatha was an extremely annoying nerd who could make drama out of anything and everything. "Mom made me, plus she's not spending the night so that's a slight bonus," she added once she noticed my disappointed expression.

We heard someone walk down the stairs, into the basement and soon Agatha's short figure made an appearance into the room.
"Hey guys!" she chirped and sat down next to me.

Wow, how fucking lucky am I? "What's been planned? My dads coming to get me in like two hours so yeah," her annoying voice rang as she pushed up her glasses.

"Well hey Georgia! You look um great!" she lied as she twirled her hair. Damian glared at her, most likely hoping he could strangle her with his funky Jedi mind powers.

"So!" Damian yelled, breaking the thick layer of air Agatha had created.

"Where's the bathroom?" I whispered to Sherri, hoping to escape here for a few minutes.

"Same spot, it hasn't moved," she whispered back. I got up and left, immediately hearing Agatha start her crap about me.

"Who even invited her?" she asked once she thought I was out of ear shot. I ignored her and made my way to the bathroom.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and immediately hated what I saw.

I brushed through my tangled and snarled hair and ruffled it back up a little bit. I absolutely hated when my hair was perfectly straight. I, at least, thought it seemed some what presentable when it was messed up like this.

I walked from the bathroom and tripped on someone walking by. My head was smashed against the ground in result and I shut my eyes tight.

I opened them immediately and found myself resting under Damian as he looked down at me with his magnificent brown eyes.

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