School? Nope, Just Hell

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Chapter 3
"Georgia show me please," Sherri said as I became insecure and felt cornered.

She double checked the stalls and made sure we were one hundred percent alone.

"There, see?" she said pointing to the empty stalls. "We're alone," she said and I sighed, caving in and pulling the sides of my pants down so she could see.

Her eyes rested upon the patch of raw skin that rested on my hips before I concealed them again.

"Please don't do this, Georgia," she begged, highly concerned.

"You can't say that when you literally cut yourself too," I said, making a very valid point. She sighed

"Do as I say say, Georgia, not as I do," she said, looking at me still obviously concerned. The bell rang and I sighed, grabbing my bag and putting it over my shoulder once more.

"We should probably head to class. See you in science," I said, heading out of the bathroom with my face down, expressionless.

Sherri followed right behind me, soon venturing off to her own locker as I continued to algebra. I set my bag next to my seat and grabbed my calculator, taking my seat as the second bell rang.

Someone rushed past me to get to their seat, pushing me to the ground as they laughed and sat down.

"Georgia! Take your seat!" the annoyed teacher snapped as she hurried into the room to start our class.

"Get out your homework from last Friday," she demanded and started collecting it as she walked around the room.

We have two days of school left of school and this whore makes us do homework over the weekend at that.

I searched through the papers in my bag and set it on the desk for her to add to the pile with the rest.

"I hope you studied and prepared for the unit test today, Georgia," she said approaching my desk and collecting my paper.

I hesitated but nodded my head softly as she put my paper right on top of the others. "Good," she stated simply and walked back to her desk.

If looks could kill.

The test was easy. My morning went as it always did. Class after class ov just watching movies or playing on phones.

Finally science came around and I walked down the hallway to my 4th period class.

"Georgia!" Sherri yelled awkwardly as I spotted her in the back of the room. She awkwardly melted into a sexual position on the lab table as she smacked her thigh and rubbed it.

"Okay what the actually fuck did I just see?" I said as a kid gasped in the front of the room.

"Swear jar!" he yelled and continued his conversation with his buddies as if his unintelligent comment was never made.

I rolled my eyes and threw my bag at her accidentally knocking her off the table as she attempted to catch it.

"I don't know what you just saw to be honest. And ouch, really?" she yelled rubbing her ass as she stood up.

"Settle down, rambunctious children. Movie day!" he said as the talking continued "We're watching frozen," he said putting it on the screen.

"Ironically we're watching a movie about the cold in summer," a smart ass kids yelled, trying to be funny.

"Settle down children," he yelled again, laughing at some of our side conversations. He played the movie, distracting the rest of the class as he let me and Sherri talk in the back. "So guess who's no longer a single pringle," she sang, dancing awkwardly with a wide grin placed on her face.

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