His Feelings

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Chapter 8


I sat, quietly staring at the blank ceiling. "Pst! Georgia!" Someone whispered throughout the dark room.

"What?" I ask, curious as to who it was and what they wanted.

"You awake?" they asked stupidly.

"No I'm fully functional when I'm sleeping," I uttered sarcastically.

"Ha ha very funny," they sarcastically retorted back. I felt someone's hand brush against mine

"Wanna go somewhere else? I don't want to wake them up with our talking," Damian's sleepy voice gently cooed.

I grabbed his hand in mine as he quietly brought me through the chorus of snores that came from all parts of the room. He led me upstairs to the living room and sat down, pulling me onto his lap.

"I'm sorry Sherri yelled at you Georgia," he said after a thick moment of silence.

"Don't be sorry. I understand she's mad. I just don't get why she says your such a bad person," I said, looking at him.

"What do you mean I'm a bad person?" He asked confused.

"She said that you're a dick to her and that your the main reason she cuts," I told him without thinking.

"I've never done anything to her," he said looking slightly broken.

"It's all my parents, they expect the perfect child and they push her to get good grades and what not," he told me.

"At least they aren't like my parents," I said without thinking while I looked at my lap.

"Georgia? What do you mean?" He asked. I didn't reply to him but he didn't drop it

"Georgia, please. You can trust me," he said, bringing me closer to him.

"How did your friends find out Damian?" I asked quietly.

He sighed "they had asked what happened and I'm an extremely bad liar just so you know," he said and kissed my forehead.

"When will you be able to trust me?" He asked as he lifted my chin up like earlier.

"I don't know," I said trying to avoid eye contact but his eyes were locked on mine. I was still sitting on his lap a he took my hand and twined our fingers together.

"I want to help," he whispered and accidentally nudged my bracelets down, revealing my row of cuts.

I pulled my hand away, hoping to go he wouldn't notice.

"I'm sorry," he whispered, not seeing my cuts.

"For what? You did nothing wrong. I ,on the other hand, did everything wrong. Starting with being born," I rambled.

He pressed his lips onto mine this time, shutting me up. He laid me on the couch as he climbed on top of me, still having our lips connected.

"Please don't say that," he whispered as he looked down at me, rubbing his nose against mine.

"You're hurting my hips," I uttered quietly. He got off of me and I moved onto my side, making room for him to lay down next to me and hopefully hold me tight.

He laid down, pulling his body and my body close together.

Was this a dream? This seemed almost too real to believe.

"Georgia," he breathed softly as he held my body tighter to his "do you think i could see your cuts?" he asked "I mean you don't have to if you don't want to," he added almost immediately.

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