Clang, Rattle and Boom

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A/N Hey guys :) sorry i'm late in uploading this, i've actually come up to my exam block... YAY!! .... so im loaded with assignments and studying for tests and junk. Luckily for you guys i'm so Awesome! Because i'm uploading rigth now anyways :D Enjoy :D SkyRed :D

Jamie POV

I sat in the center of the cage, my knees pulled up to my chest. The bars were silver, I could smell it on my skin and in the air. I was being cautious, it wouldn't be good to touch an open wound to it. Because even though it has no real effect on me, if it's unleashed in my blood stream I could become seriously ill. I didn't know how long I had been there, but I was beggining to become agitated.

It was night, even though I could not see the sky, my instincts had kicked in before the battle and would not let me forget the time. I heard a crash and turned my head to face the darkness, soon after came the sound of clanging chains, rattling bars following that. A low growl was issued and tacken up by the creatures in the shadows, hissing and growling, howling and snapping... I'd had enough, my senses were not picking anything new up. It was the same each night, the loud noise of metal then the symphony from the others. I snarled as loudly as I could, the only sound was the harsh breaths being drawn in.

I heard the steps before the door was flung open, not that I could see it, but with my limited senses, my ears had increased in hearing range. The wind rushed out as it moved before it slammed up against the stone walling. Heavy silver toed boots clomped down the stairs. Creatures began keening and whimpering, I didn't move, not even when I knew he was outside the bars. When I could smell the De-Caff on his breath I still did not move.

"I know, you know, that I'm here, so lets not play any little games" he said "Let's not pretend to be something we're not". I slowly raised my head and stared through his glasse, straight through his cold eyes. I watched as he set up cameras, and microphones, the lights turned red then green. The man looked up and grinned at me as I watched him work. "We're gonna give all them folks at home a show" his voice sent chills down my spine and I knew he was really going to go through with it.

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