It Can't Happen

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A/N okay, i won't be uploading for a while. Christmas is next going to Fiji for holidays this week so i wont have time to upload for a while..... anyways, just thought i'd let y'all know..hahahaha i said y'all hahahahaha anyways......this is a short little chappy but i HOPE you enjoy :D and MERRY CHRISTMAS/ HONICA/ PUBLIC HOLIDAY THINGY TO ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! enjoy :D SkyRed

Jamie POV

i sat up, breathing deeply, the pain ebbing in my chest. My heart breaking, i needed her, i needed her so badly, but it couldn't happen. If there was no chance she would be hurt then i'd be with her right now. It can never happen. It isn't safe for her. I must keep her safe. Keep her alive.

My precious mate, my beautiful mate, my human mate. If they found out about her they'd kill her, and i just can't allow that to happen. I must protect my mate under all circumstances. Even if it killed me i'd do anything to keep her safe, safe and happy. Even if it klled me. I would never let them find out about her.

My muscles ached as i stretched them. I finally took in my surroundings. I was sitting on the forest floor, big strong trees towered over me. Standing up i ignored the pain and moved in the direction of the house. I needed to get back there as soon as possible.

Each step was difficult. My heart broke as i moved further away from her. Finally the house came into view. I walked towards the door, moving slowly, cautiously. The front door was still wide open. I stepped into the house, blinking in the generated light.

My vision cleared just as i heard the gasp. Looking up i met the bewildered and shocked faces of my vampire family. Mother stepped forward, "Jamie, you're home" i nodded stiffly. She looked me up and down, her eyes narrowing at the sight of my clothes....or ....rags. "Sweetheart, why don't you go have a shower and relax for a while, you must be exhausted after last night" i nodded and smiled politely, ignoring the underlining threat.

I inclined my head to the group watching us and disapeared up the stairs.


I was sitting on the window seat, my laptop in front of me. Down below on the grass outside my brothers played with the younger wolves. I wanted to be down there with them, i wanted to be able to play with the younger pups. I wanted to walk around our land without being stared at or have someone whisper freak or mutant or hybrid under their breath at me.

It's never going to happen though, i'll never be one of those, just like i'll never be able to live with my mate. It's impossible. I turned back to my laptop, fixing the picture i was creating, another to fit into the already large folder. This time a blood red full moon, set in a dark background, black fading up into a night sky blue. A bat flying through the sky, illuminated by the moons glow.

I sighed and started writing my history report. I was so unfocused that when my brothers came inside i didn't notice. I didn't even notice when Markus and Antonio opened my door and poked their heads in. I slumped my shoulders and sighed, suprised when an agonizing pain started in my chest, my heart. I lurched forward and gripped the skin above, in an attempt to stop the pain. But it wouldn't stop, only my mate could make it stop and that wasn't happening.

I vaguely heard Markus ask Antonio "What's wrong with him?" there was silence as his response. I let a small noise escape my lips, this unbearable pain. It was almost as bad as my 'lessons'. I heard Antonio and Markus turn their heads towards me. "I'm not sure" answered Antonio, Markus seemed to breath in deeply as an idea came to him. I tried to block it out, i really tried. "Maybe he's found his mate and..." he trailed off unsure how to finish his sentence. "No that's impossible, it can't happen".

I leaned against the side wall next to me, still looking out the window, my eyes loosing focus as the pain and the exhaustion caught up with me. Antonio's words echoing in my head, filling my stomach with dread and worry as i drifted off into a empty nothingness.

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