There's Something Out There

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A/N Hiyaa!!! Do You Like The Story? i like it..... i also like reading what you guys think...anyways, soz this was late, i wasn't able to upload till now.. But i hope u like it :D Enjoy :D SkyRed

Jamie POV

I ran straight into the house, slamming the front door and leaning against it, catching my breath. I hadn't noticed Marcus step through the doorway till he was right in front of me. I glanced up and met his stare, my face must of been showing my feelings, because he stepped back and let me pass him. I ran upstairs to my own room and clossed the door swiftly.

 I moved into the shower, disgarding my clothes in reccord time, i turned on the taps and let the water run over my skin, washing away the blood and dirt whilst wishing it would wash away the memory in my head and the way i felt like i would explode from my skin.

I moved through my room, throwing on clothes, not realy caring what i looked like. I moved forward and slumped down onto my bed. I was worried, nothing had ever made me react that way before, especially not in the forest, i shouldn't have reacted that way. I couldn't place the feelings that i had gotten, almost like fear but different. Different in the way that my instincts had kicked in. That shouldn't of happened.

I layed down on my bed and tried to relax, i picked up my i-Pod and put in my earphones. I had finally shut my eyes when my door burst open, cracking into the wall behind it, the whole frame shook. I sat up and before i new it i was on my feet, ready to defend myself against any threat. I could feel the top of my lip pull back, ready for me to growl and hiss.

I stepped back and into my normal stance when i realised who it was. My brothers looked at each other and back to me, after what felt like hours Luca finally spoke "... We are all gathering down stairs, Father and... Mother are asking to see all of us" he and Stefan looked at me for a few more minutes before turning on their heels and walking back down the stairs.

I swallowed thickly and ran my hand through my hair before heading down there aswell.

When i reached the sitting room, i stood next to Stefan, he turned his head to me before looking away again. Father and Mother entered the room and watched us all carefully while counting that all of us were present. I stood up tall and lowered my head in submission, i knew my brothers had glanced over when they caught my movement, they always watched.

"Boys" anounced Father, i rose my head again, "Your Mother has some news to share with you all" i glanced at my brothers. They were turning their heads, eyes widening a little and then squinting, heart beats racing. They were curious, Mother and Father had out undivided attention.

"Boys" she spoke in a quiet chilling voice, "there has been a shift in my family" i tried to search her face, but it was unreadable. "I am unaware of all the details as of yet, but the role of power has been moved and new orders have been placed" i stood absolutely still. I was shocked, this would change every thing.

"I am unable to obtain any more information at the moment, as all of my contacts seem to be unavailable" I knew what she was telling us, even though it was not said clearly. Twisted in smart words, that were meant to throw us of balance, smart words that were used to cover us from what she really knew. Buried deep down under sheets and blankets and piles of rock was the truth. The hard cold truth. There are two options. They weren't unavailable, they weren't responding to her, they were leaving us, isolating us from them and from the information, or simply put, they were dead.

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