Chapter 3

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Jasmines' POV

After the whole embarrassing moment in English, the bell rung and the classroom started to empty. Amber walked out as well, me knowing she was already mad. Great job Zack! I was the last one to leave, but stopped to quickly get a glance of my new beautiful teacher. Her legs were crossed and before I looked away she looked at me. "Goodbye, Jasmine." In her accent that made me flutter she said.

I ran out, panicking and not knowing what to say back. I caught up with Amber, and pulled her to face me. "You okay?" She gave me a pissed off look. "No, I am not okay. Leave me alone and don't pick me up after school. I will ride with Ashely." She walked away without giving me a kiss. I sighed in frustration. Why was she so mad?

I don't know where Zack went, but since this was my last period for the day I decided to leave and get some lunch before I go to work. Checking myself out in the main office, I headed to my car. Turning it on, I pulled out and headed to a pizzeria.

"Will this be all ma'am?" So politely bagging the woman's clothes, I couldn't help but notice the kind of lingerie she picked out. It was a laced white bra with a black bow in the middle and the same with the bottom part. Maybe I should get Amber this? "Yes, that'll be all. I've got to get going." She giggle and thanked me. I handed her the bag and smiled away.

I work at Victoria Secret... A perfect place for a girl to work at. It was actually my moms idea, because the pay was great by commission, though at the time she didn't know about my sexuality. We joked about it after.

"How long are you here for?" My coworker Shara asked me. "I've got 30m left." So excitedly I clapped my hands. I was going to go back to school, because I left my things in my locker. Plus... I wanted to see a special someone one more time.. I sound so silly, I know.

"Luckyyy." She sighed, and walked away. Soon, those 30m passed by and I left the mall. Turning on my car, I headed to school that was 10m away. My shift ended 5m after the school bell rung, so I had 8m before the doors would lock. I made it to my locker just in time; opening it up I quickly put on my hoodie and grabbed my charger. Tying my golden hair in a messy bun, I looked at my mirror stuck to the locker door; trying to see if i was presentable.

I really wasn't, but the thought of seeing Ms.Gadot made my heart thump. I slammed my locker shut and headed to her classroom. I was walking a bit fast; trying to make sure I wouldn't miss her. To be honest I didn't know my plan or excuse to say when I walk in, but I kn- "Oh my god, fuck." I heard the girl who I bumped into curse as we both fell onto the ground. I ended up on top of her and my eyes where still closed shut.

But then the accent hit me and the smell of Chanel perfume tickled my nostril.. Making sneeze very hard on her. "Aaaa!" I heard Ms.Gadot yell. "Oh my god!! Oh my god, I'm so sorry!!" I opened my eyes to see her face right close to me. I froze and stared right into her eyes. She stared deeply into mine, and suddenly time stopped. "That was disgusting." She whispered and I couldn't help but blush at how close we were. "Your perfume made me sneeze." I said... in a very flirtatious way. Her eyes became wide, I realized what I just said and stood up. I helped her up and looked at her with guilt.

"I hope I don't get sick.." She trailed out; cutting off the awkward silence. "I'm not sick, but I'm really sorry again. Are you alright? I know I am pretty heavy, I think I hit you pretty hard." I rabbled on earning a laugh from her. It was heavenly and I wanted to hear it all the time. "I am fine, what about you? Why were you walking so fast?" She laughed all throughout and I saw how red her cheeks were.

I think I am making her uncomfortable... Maybe I should go? Isn't a red face a sign of uncomfortableness. "Oh, I was just looking for Amber and all." Coming up with a lie, I stood there shuffling my feet. I didn't know I made her uncomfortable. Miss Gadot noticed my sudden change, "I think I saw her leave already, I'm sorry." She sounded uninterested. "It's okay, I should get going." I looked up at her and melted. Her hair was tucked in the same way as before and her lips seemed extra plumped.

"Beautiful." Slipped out my mouth and I covered it; all my blood leaving my body. "I'm sorry what?" She furrowed her eyebrows, tints of red adding to her pink blush. A moment of silence laid out, but soon cut off when someone called my name. "Yo! Jasmine? I thought you left?" Zack ran up to us, but widen his eyes when he noticed Ms.Gadot. "Ms.Gadot! Hi! Hello!" He became red and was clearly put out of breath. "Hi." She smiled at him, then looked at me. "I'll see you both soon." Then walked away.

I felt so disgusted and ashamed. She doesn't think you're cute Jasmine, she's a fucking teacher Jasmine, and! AND! You have a girlfriend! I mentally patted my back, feeling my heart break a little. I don't understand how someone's managed to hook me in such a short time. 6 hours hasn't even passed since I had her class and I feel like I've known her forever.

"Hey man." I sighed, feeling myself calm down. "What are you doing here? And why were you talking to Ms.Gadot?" Zack asked smirking. I glared at him, "I was looking for Amber, because she's pissed at me! But I think she already left and then I bumped into Gadot." I sighed, realizing that I said Gadot, instead of Ms.Gadot. "I mean Ms.Gadot." I trailed out awkwardly. I wonder what's her first name... it must be beautiful.

"Well lucky you, bumping into the hottest teacher eh?" He spoke with pride. "Oh shut up, I'm going to head out, need a ride?" I rolled my eyes, but smiled... He was right, she's beautiful. "Nah, I am riding with this chic named Olivia." He licked his lips. "Oh I see... Don't get her pregnant dudeee." I laughed, then walked away. The exit doors were only a few feet away, so I was in my car in no time.

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