Chapter 12

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Gal's Pov

"So, this last slide gives us the population of how people from the age of 12-55, that do not know or fully speak English in America!" Happily I taught my class as I read out the last powerpoint. It wasn't very long, but quiet informative. Patiently waiting for my students to fill in their papers, I watch Jasmine. Her hair was so cute today and while she wrote, her tongue would stick out a little sometimes. I couldn't bare to stare at her for so long, as her outfit today was incredibly eye catching. It's like she has the perfect style to make anyone turned on, her legs glistened because of the lighting. Her hair was in two french braids and her shirt hugged her chest. I just have to look away, but before I did she looked up and caught me watching.

She smiled at me, but I gave her a bottomed lip tucked between my teeth instead of a smile back. I hope she doesn't take it the wrong way, i'm usually not this bold, but today I wake up with her only on my mind. "That's it for todays lesson, but at the back of your paper there's a question for you to answer! Once you're done just put it on top of my desk and wait around for the bell to ring." I smiled and strolled back to my desk. Sighing and trying not to smell Jasmines perfume from all the way over here, I unlocked my phone and tried to catch up with some messages.

The question on the paper says, "If there's one place you would love to travel to, where would it by and why?" Not really sure why I chose that question, but I think it's nice to know some of my students mental capacity of what they think would be adventures. Especially Jasmines, I wouldn't be surprised if she would pick an Island or something like Hawaii. After seeing her arrive this morning in that red and black sports car, I came up with the conclusion that her family might be quite rich. Therefore, she has probably traveled to many appealing countries!

Students began to place their papers on my desk, as they did some gave me a smile and others gave me a flirtatious look; mainly the boys. I don't know how they don't think that's inappropriate, but then again... There's a big fat crush that I have on one peculiar student. I suppose that's what I would call these feelings and attraction. "Hey, Jasmine! Are you alright? I heard about you and Amber." Suddenly, someone saying her name catches my attention. Scooting closer to the edge of my desk, I spy on the conversation. Jasmine seemed startled, but she gave a tight smile while playing with her pen to the girl

"Yea I am alright, it's no big deal. It was all bound to happen." Her light voice spoke, I wonder what all of this means. Did Amber and her break up? "Awww man, what a shame you guys were so cute! I hope everything goes well though, stay strong champ." My student named Addison spoke to her. My thoughts were confirmed by the way Jasmine nodded and smiled. She looked at me, but I quickly pretended I was looking for something on the floor. I bet I look so stupid right now, my face was red and I can feel my heart pounding.

Good job Gal...

"Ms.Gadot, do you have a moment to talk after class?" Jasmine out of nowhere asks me. Taken by surprised,  I nodded back. "Of course, Jasmine." I spoke and loved the way her name came out my mouth.

Ringg Ringgg

The bell finally rung and I just couldn't keep myself together. Why in the world would Jasmine ask to speak to me, we've barely communicated throughout todays class. My blood pressure uprising and my heart beat pounding, I looked to her to see her packing her things. Not really knowing if I should speak first or wait for her, so I just stood up from my seat and waved at my students leaving. "Hey, Gal!" She said, now standing in front of me. I jumped a little and laughed nervously. Not a 18 year old making a 28 year old women nervous.

"Hi, Jasmine." Smiling at her, I realized she called me Gal. "Right, I know. I mean Ms.Gadot." She rolled her eyes and smiled to the side, I giggled already loving how she read my mind. "What can I do for you." Sitting back down and putting her paper on top of the pile that was made from the other students, I read that she had put Egypt. My eyebrows jumped up as I looked at her in awe, "You would love to go to Egypt?" Exasperatedly breathless, I asked. She quickly nodded her head with a goofy smile, "Oh yea! I would've choose Israel but you know, women from there scare me." She sucked her cheeks and rolled her eyes.

Ms.Gadot // Gal Gadot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now