Chapter 11

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Jasmine's Pov


Stirring awake from my sleep, I hear my alarm clock ring. "Oh gosh." I mumble to myself and feel this pain in my chest. It is now 6 in the morning, the memories from yesterday raced through my mind. I tried so violently not to cry, but it was so hard as I felt my stomach clench and my heart fall. Amber and I are really not together anymore. She really cheated on me and wasted 3 years of my life. It's a bit hard not to be upset about a situation like this. I know I've been wanting to break up with her for awhile now, but not like this. Not in this way where she makes me feel like I was never enough or important.

Checking my phone to see if I have any notifications from anyone, my body quakes when my eyes flicker to a message from Amber. Quickly clicking on it I read her 2 paragraphed message.

"My dear beloved Jasmine, I'm so sorry that you had to find out this way. Never would I have imagined that you would find out like this. I wanted to tell you in person, I wanted to explain to you what I have been feeling for awhile now. I love you so much, but I can tell that things have not been the same for awhile. You have stopped treating me like the queen you have always made me feel, that is what made me fall in love with you. I was able to tell that you weren't about this anymore, but I didn't know if I was right or not. It hurts me to think about the fact that we won't ever talk anymore, because I believed you were the one I was going to marry one day, but in my head.. enough was enough. You have been wanting to break up with me and I couldn't waiting around for you to do it anymore, so I decided to find another love myself before you did, I wish that we can maybe mend this part of our history and maybe become friends again. I am so sorry, but I just couldn't wait for you to finally break up with me and I would never break up with you. I don't have that kind of strength. Cheating wasn't something I thought I could ever do, but if you were in my shoes, then you would see how messed up you had made me feel. I will forever love you❤️"

With the most hatred and rage of emotions, I threw my phone across my room. Hearing hit the wall and bounce on the carpet, I punched my pillow over again. What a fucking manipulating bitch! She cheats on ME! Claims it's MY fault, says that I made her do this, but yet says that she loved me? Laughing over and over again, I could not bring myself to cry. Literal tears can't come out, because I am in just pure shock of the message I just read.

I always knew Amber likes to manipulate a situation, but oh my gosh! This is her worst attempt yet! Giggling and feeling my exasperation come to an end, I smiled to myself. No one deserves to be cheated on, not after so long, but I am quite pleased to say I fell... Free? "Oh Jasmine, It's gonna be okay." I say to myself, what my mom always says to me, this time actually believing it. Let Amber be Trevors problem now, let her cause him so much anxiety and stress. Deciding that I should once and for all become okay with this reality, I go to check on my phone.

"Dear Lord, if my phone is not cracked... I promise I won't skip anymore classes and become lazy this semester." Giggling at myself, I knew it was such a silly promise since I am never lazy, but I really don't want to spend $180 on fixing a brand new phone. Flipping it over, my lungs sigh in distress... It's severely cracked. "So much for promising not to skip class.." I mumbled, trying to see what part of the screen I can actually see. To no surprise, my lock screen picture was barely visible as their was cracks all over Ambers face.

Guess I should change the picture and make an appointment to fix it after school today. I didn't want to touch the screen and glide my fingers on glass, so I asked Siri to call my mom. "Hello?" My mom answered in a groggy voice. "Hehe, hi mommy." So sheepishly I said. "Oh Jasmine, what did you dooo?" My mom laughed and I heard her shuffle. "I was getting ready for school just now and my phone fell from my hands as I was cleaning it, so the case was off and I- "It dropped and broke, right?" She finished my sentence.

Ms.Gadot // Gal Gadot x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now