Chapter 14

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Jamine's Pov


You can do this Jasmine, it's okay! You can do this! I repeated over and over to myself as Samarra began to open the door. Immediately, the smell of expensive fragrance hit my nostrils and I was astonished by the size of the foyer. This place is ridiculously and elegantly huge for absolutely no reason at all! "You seem so shocked." Samarra giggle and grabbed my hand to lead us somewhere unknown. "Dude, I have never seen a place this big!" I explained and she sighed. "I know, I really love coming over to their house." She said and we finally made it to an area that had french doors, with a big window that took the roll of a wall. The lighting was better then anything els you could think of. "This is the main living room! Over there is the entrance to the sunroom, lounging area  and outside to the back." Samarra explained as I looked around like a lost puppy.

Nodding my head, I shyly touched the furniture and marbled walls. Samarra laughed and rolled her eyes, "Enough of this, let us go meet my family! I am pretty sure they are outside." She once again, grabbed my hand and led us outside. My heart dropped since I wasn't able to feel a glass vase that I was really intrigued by sitting on top of a shelf. "You know, I will probably get lots if you don't show me around." I said, quickly wondering where Gal's room could be. I bet it looks so elegantly decorated with designer things. "Hahaha, true! But I'll show you later."

Samarra twisted a golden door knob and soon we were outside. I wouldn't call this a "backyard," but rather a courtyard. The pool was big, there was many fire pits around the seating area, a whole bar filled with alcoholic drinks and sparkling water, there was even an area that had a pool table and a dart board. Is this what it's like to really be loaded? If so, why on earth would Gal choose to be a teacher and not what her parents do. I suppose only she can answer that.

"Aunty!" I hear Samarra yell as we walked closer to what I assume is her family. I tall middle-aged woman stood up and hugged her. I was confused as to why Samarra never let go of our hands still. "Hi everyone!" She yelled and smiled so widely, "Where's my parents?" She asked looking around. "They are in the kitchen grabbing some snacks to bring out. Oh, Samarra who is this lovely lady?" The woman asked her and stood in-front of me and grabbed my face. "This is my friend, Jasmine." Samarra said and finally let go of my hand. "Hi!" I said, trying not to sound taken a back with the kiss on the cheek that the woman gave me. "Hello! I am Irene, Samarra's Aunt." She ever so excitedly said and rubbed my shoulders. "Are you a good friend of my little Niece?" She said playfully and I smiled so widely to try and reach her energy.

This woman is literally Gal's mother, oh my god.. THIS IS GAL'S MOTHER!

"Well, we just became quite close today, but I would like to think I am a good friend." I looked at Samarra and playfully glared, to which she laughed. "Hello, I am Hani! Irene's husband!" He to gave me a kiss on the cheek. I am starting to see just how overly nice this family and Samarra is.

I knew I was right, she was never flirting! That's just how she was raised. "Nice to meet you, Hani." I said and smiled. This is Gal's dad! I can honestly say that she has her fathers genes, more then her moms and I am in awe about it. "This is my daughter, Tala, and her fiancé, Alí!" Irene said and pushed me towards them. I felt the woman, Tala, stare at me intently as I shook Alí's hand. I turned to Tala, who kept a pursed lip and squinted eyes. It seemed as if she knew something that I didn't, the thought sketched me out, but Tala looked so much like Gal. "Hi!" I said to her and brought out my hand for her to shake. She took it, still staring at me but with a smirk this time. "Hello, Jasmine. Nice to finally meet you." She said sweetly, mixed with a devious tone.

My heart pounded and my face became red, what does she mean by "finally?" Has she known about me before? Did Gal tell her about me or did Samarra? "I am Gal's sister!" She said trying to read my face as soon as she said that. "Oh, that's so funny! Your sister is my teacher." I said awkwardly under Tala's intent stare, it made me feel like how I would be under Gal's, it is not the same eyes, but they are related so it's somewhat close to Gal. "Oh my goodness! You're one of Gal's students?" Suddenly, Irene came to me and gasped. I nodded my head and proudly smiled. "How is she at teaching?! Is she a good teacher?" Irene asked and sat down, ready to hear all the details about her other daughter.

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