Chapter 6

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Jasmine's Pov

Amber and I stared into each other's eyes caressing each other's cheeks. She couldn't stop smiling while I just a had the right corner of my lips in a small grin. I would like to think that the sex we just had was the best... but it wasn't. While I was going down on her all I was able to think about was Ms.Gadot. I stopped touching Ambers face as I went to check the time on my phone. "Shit it's 2:55, I have to go baby." I ever so excitedly threw her duvet off of me and began to put my clothes back on. Amber held her head up with her right arm as she watched me, "You are literally so sexy, Jasmine." She said bitting her lip and I just smiled and faked laughed.

"Thank you, you are as well." I fixed up my skirt and made my way to her side of the bed. "I'm not to happy that you have to spend two hours alone with a girl that you agreed was prettier than me, but our sex is amazing so I forgive you! I'll hold my jealousy in." Amber said and gave me the fakest smile I have ever seen. I genuinely laughed and shook my head. "Trust me she has nothing on you." I say to her trying so hard not to sound sarcastic; kissing her one last time before heading out.

Opening her front door and taking a deep breath in of the fresh air, I make my way to my car and drive off. Throughout the drive I replay everything in my head... "What on earth is going on?" Is the only question that I keep on repeating over and over. It's funny how just yesterday I was so head over heels for Amber and my attraction to her was somewhat strong enough to make me stay with her, though I have been unhappy for awhile, but then something in me just changed when I laid my eyes on Ms.Gadot.

My nerves became on 10 just thinking about the fact that I will be seeing her very soon. Mentally, I slapped myself in the face remembering how I so rudely pushed passed Ms.Gadot and slammed her door earlier this morning. Gosh Jasmine, why can't you control your anger better! I probably looked like a raging fool when I walked out.

My heart wasn't beating with excitement anymore, rather with anxiousness and embarrassment. "Why don't we just skip detention?" I quietly asked myself and the temptation was too real, but I don't think it's the best option. I could get into even more trouble with Ms.Gadot. The thought of her thinking I am a bad student with anger problems makes my cheeks go so red.

I finally arrived at school and I see the time is now 3:15. School just ended and I have 5 minutes to get to Gadot's class room. After opening the door to my car and closing it I began to make my way inside. Once I reached the hallway I saw Zack and Ashley at their lockers. "Hey Jasmine! Oh.My.God.." Ashely calls out my name, but then gasps and puts her hands around her mouth. "What?!" I asked entering in panic mode. "Woah there Jasmine!" Zack said, which made me look at him even more confused. "WHAT GUYS?" I said loudly.

"Dude.. your neck looks like you're been freaking choked and bitten by an animal or something. What the hell happened?!" Ashely answers my question and opens her locker so I can see myself in the mirror that's attached to her locker door. I gasped so hard and put my hands around my neck... "Oh my gosh!!! Oh no no no no!! Oh my god." I begin to panic and freakout as I saw a whole bunch of love bites and hickeys around my throat! "Please tell me Amber gave you those." Zack asks laughing so hard. I gave him the biggest glare, "Of course it was, who els would it be you idiot?" I snapped at him as he laughed harder. "Well I guess you and Amber are fine now! Jesus Jasmine." Ashely said. "Guys, I have detention and I CANNOT go to Ms.Gadot's classroom like this!" I said emphasizing my words.

I checked my phone to see that the time was; 3:17, I have exactly three minutes to get there. "Ashely give me some fucking concealer or something to cover this up or I swear I'll kill you in your sleep." I threatened and grabbed her by her shirt. She started laughing and quickly pulled out her make-up bag. "Why do you have detention?" She asked as she began to apply concealer on my neck. I cannot and will not have Ms.Gadot see me like this, she will probably think i'm a whore or something!

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