Chapter 10

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Jasmine's Pov

My shift is going by so slowly and the time was only 2:30. I wonder what Gal is doing right now, "She's obviously teaching a class you idiot." I whispered to myself and shook my head. "What's up with you?" My co-worker Sarah asked me. "Oh nothing." I responded while tapping my fingers against the counter and chewing my lips. Maybe I should ask her for advice, but only about Amber though and not my teacher. "Actually there's something I need your input on." I began to talk and walked a bit closer to her.

Sarah nodded her head and smiled. "So Amber, my girlfriend, lied to me about texting her mom when in reality she was texting another boy named Trevor. I've heard of him before, because a couple of days ago she went to a party with my other friend and he took them home. I don't know if he stayed over or anything, but he had a heart emoji next to his name." While I spoke I felt my heart beat faster and faster. Sarah was quiet for a moment, "Mmmhm.. Maybe he's just a really good friend? Maybe she didn't want to tell you because you would freak out?" She finally spoke and shrugged her shoulders a little.

"I don't think that is the case, because when I asked her about it she didn't say anything but got mad instead." I gave Sarah more information and then her eyes squinted. "Okay yeah no, that is defiantly fishy!" She said and shook her head. "What do you think I should do? I wanna know what Trevor looks like,  but I don't even know his last name." I quickly remembered that Amber said he was friends with Abby, one of her friends. "Actually I think I can find his Insta!" Ever so happily I pulled out my phone and went to Abby's profile. Sarah had her head leaned over my shoulder to help me investigate.

I clicked the search bar in the section of who Abby is following and typed in Trevors name. Only one profile came up and it wasn't private! I saw that Amber and Ashely follow him as well so it must be him. Trevor was very good looking with his hair all curly and a physique that was close to Superman's. "Oh my god no way... That's the Trevor you're talking about?" Suddenly I heard Sarah gasp and put her hands to her mouth. "I guess so, Amber and my friend follow him and he follows them as well. Why?" I was breathing really hard and my body began to panic.

"Is your girlfriends name Amber Larsson?" A bit guilty and worried, Sarah asked me. "Yes." I said and felt my heart sink... "They're defiantly seeing each other." The words that broke my heart escaped from her mouth. I left out a shaky breath and closed my eyes. "W-what do you m-mean?" I stuttered while my voice cracked. "Oh Jasmine, I am so sorry honey. His name is Trevor Johnson and he's in my friend group... Yesterday he introduced us to Amber and said that she was his girlfriend, but he never said that she had a girlfriend so I don't think he knows." Her hand was on my shoulder and caressed my cheek in pure sweetness.

My watery eyes and constipated lip quivers broke after she finished talking. No man, this can't be! I refuse to believe this is happening! "I'm so sorry Jasmine, it's okay babygirl." Sarah hugged me and rubbed my back. "Are you sure Sarah?" With a little hope and a pleading voice I asked her. "Yes I am positive. Does Amber have blond hair?" She asked me and I nodded already knowing that it was indeed my girlfriend. "It's gonna be okay Jasmine, she's for the streets obviously." No matter how hard Sarah tried to help me I just ended up crying harder.

I feel so betrayed and angry, not to mention even more stupid than I have ever been! I cannot believe Amber right now. "Oh my god, I don't know what I am going to do!" I was breathing really hard and shaking, "What am I going to do Sarah? I have been with this girl since freshman year and she lied to me. what am I gonna do?" I shouted and cried harder. "Shhh, shhh it's okay Jasmine. C'mon lets go to the back." Sarah grabbed my wrist and told our other co-worker to cover the floor. "Jasmine, listen to me! It's going to be okay, she is just a girl and you are young! There will be other people in your lifetime." She told me while wiping my tears and  making me look into her eyes. I nodded my head and sniffed, she's right.. I am young and there will be other people, this is just something that will make me stronger I suppose. "You're right, Sarah." i gave her a weak smile and wiped my new tears.

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