Neighbors 21.

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After Alex drove off after driving me home I wondered why we stopped talking. We were best friends for years and I don't remember one fight. I know I would be pissed if someone bailed on something I was looking forward to, but he didn't. I was still standing there on the sidewalk after he drove of like 10 minutes ago. It felt nice. It was so quiet and peaceful, I just enjoyed it for a while.

"You okay there Sam?" Someone spoke behind me. I turned around to face my wonderful boyfriend. 

"I would tell you if I wasn't remember." I smiled and walked closer to him. He smiled back and took my hand leading me inside were everyone else were. When I got in to his living room I saw suitcases all over the floor and Gina was packing some more pillows. Not that we needed any more of them.

"Oh hey there Sam, you've finished packing yet?" She asked me smiling.

"No me and the girls are going over to mines later to finish it, is that all of the boys' stuff?" I asked her surprised and pointed at the pile of suitcases. She just laughed and nodded.

"Yup, you could think that they were moving or something." 

I laughed and walked upstairs were everyone were playing video games. Well, not April and Jenny though.

"There you are! Where did you go?" Jenny asked me getting up.

"Tell you later, should we go finish packing?" I asked them and they nodded, kissing their boyfriends goodbye. 

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" Jai asked me, placing his forehead on mine.

"I guess you will."  I grinned and kissed him softly on the lips. I pulled away and walked downstairs after the girls.

"So where did you go?" April asked me while we were walking to my house. I explained the whole Alex thing for them and they also asked me about mine and Jai's fight. Apparently they heard us scream at each other from outside.

"We're fine now though, I guess you can call that our first fight." I finished and smiled.

"Well, there is a first time to everything right?" April said and I nodded. Justin was watching tv and turned around to face us when he heard us come in.

"Hey, finished packing yet?" He asked standing up.

"God Justin! Put on some clothes!!" I yelled half laughing when I noticed he was just in his boxers.

"The girls are here!!" I said gesturing to Jenny and April who were drooling on the floor next to me.

"Why? Its not like they're complaining." He smirked and pointed at the girls who were still staring at my brothers body. 

Ew, so gross.

"Okay girls, lets go before this gets more disturbing and gross." I said and dragged them up the stairs. My brother is a geek, hes a smart ass who knows everything but he is also a fitness aholic. He is always working out. If hes not at home or school hes at the gym with his friends.

"You never told us your brother was smoking hot!" April half yelled and shook my shoulders. I just laughed at how ridicules she was being.

"Sam, this serious. Your brother is HOT! Oh my god, I think i'm gonna faint." Jenny said fanning herself and sitting down on the pile of clothes on my bed.

"Wow, that is allot of clothes girls." I said staring at the mountain on my bed.

"Girls? Please, these are just my clothes." April grinned. My mouth formed an 'o' and I looked from April to all of the clothes, then back at April.  

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