Paternity Test.

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       I woke up for the millionth time as Chris snored loudly. The baby cried for me and I knew I fed and changed him literally minutes ago. Its three am and I groaned tiredly. Chris woke up and took Cameron from me as I walked toward the bed. He laid back and placed him on his chest. Cameron immediately calmed down and snuggled against the man who could possibly be his Father. I smiled a little and laid my head on his shoulder as he slowly began to fall asleep. I held onto his arms and slowly fell asleep. Soon we woke up again for the baby.

       I woke up about 11 in the morning and the baby laid right next to me on the bed. I smiled and kissed his small cheek. He is just so cute. I giggled as he kicked and closed his eyes again. I love my baby so much. A soft knock was heard and I slowly got up and slipped on

Chris's shirt. "Come in." I picked Cameron up and then placed him against my chest. He rolled up closer to me and I smiled. His body I o warm and he always smells so good thanks to either Chris or I. He spit up a bit on his Chris's shirt. And August walked in. "Hey." He was unusually quiet and just staring at me. "Tell me Chanel. Do you really love me?" He scratched his neck a little embarrassed. "Of course. Why?" He shook his head and walked out. "Well that such an explanation." I grumbled. Chris shot August a dirty look as hr exited our room. I gave him a sleeping Cameron and headed off to the bathroom to freshen up.

      I slipped on a long red gown. My belly still hasn't gone down. I kissed Chris's lips and he watched me as I lotioned my body. "How does pregnancy make you look even more beautiful than you were?" I thought he was joking but his face is so sincere and serious. I blushed and looked away. After I finished dressing myself he handed Cameron to me. "I'm gonna get ready." I nodded and fed and burped Cameron.

     By the time Chris finished both Cam and I were ready and had eaten. He drove us over to the hospital and we met August there. He looked annoyed and bothered for some reason. I walked in behind him and Chris behind me holding Cam. I sighed ad we walked into the testing area. "Ms. Wilson?" I asked. "This I she." "Oh I'm your one o'clock appointment." "Oh come, in come in." He led me in and Chris gave me the baby. He curled up against me happily. They took a swab from the both of then and the baby. A soon as we were done he gave us the date to call for results.

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