Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Bryan's POV

Baby, we're coming. Keep distracting him, and when I tell you to, let out as loud of a scream as your lungs while muster. I heard Steven's thoughts in my head, and I had to stop myself from nodding.

How on earth was I going to distract him?

"What then?" I spoke out. Dustin turned around from the small table having yet pulled off the sheet.

"What do you mean?" He asked and walked up beside me.

"You know Steven won't stop, even if you can undo our bond. What are you going to do then?" I asked. Maybe I could get him to monologue. That how it worked in all of the movies. Get them talking to buy you as much time as you could.

"Ah. Yes, I have given that some thought. That was obvious after he mated with you. But I think I came up with a pretty good plan. Oh Stacy; why don't you make your grand entrance?" Before he could finish, I could hear clacking on the hard stone floor. Like the sound of high heels stomping on stone.

As I tried to turn my head, I saw a female start to walk into the room. Coming further into the room, her silhouette was illuminated by the room's light, and I saw who it was; the blonde bitch who drugged me in the bunker.

"Why hello you little man stealing fag!" She hissed out as she came to my side.

"Now, now Stacy. Remember, he's my mate." Dustin smirked as he looked at her.

"Whatever. I only stating the facts. He stole what was rightfully mine." Stacey said, with great annoyance in her eyes.

"What did I steal from you? I don't even know you." I looked up at her, incredulously.

"Don't play stupid, or are you really that retarded? Steven belonged to me, and I would have had him to, but then you had to come along and take him from me. If it weren't be for you, he wouldn't have mated with me, and I'd be carrying his baby." She said, looking down at my stomach where Steven's pup was growing. God, she was just as demented as Dustin.

"But how do you play into this? How do you even know Dustin?" I asked, looking back over to Dustin, who had turned his back to us to go over to the small table.

"I didn't... that is until I found out from the pack that you had a 'stalker.' So I reached out to him and made a deal. He could do whatever he wanted with you, as long as I got to keep Steven, alive" She stated, looking over at Dustin. But he didn't even turn around or acknowledge her. There's no way Dustin would allow Steven to live. Maybe I could pin them against each other?

"Leave Steven alive? You mean to tell me, you're going to leave Steven alive, and what? Hope this bitch can distract him? Do you really think that's going to work?" I asked Dustin, as he finally turned around to look at me.

"Well, I'll give him a chance to take the offer, but if he doesn't, I always have this." He pulled back the sheet over the small table to find several cutting instruments, and a gun.

He picked up the gun, and cocked it. Then looked down at me.

"What? That wasn't part of the deal!" Stacy shouted. "You promised that if I helped you kidnap this little faggot, Steven would be all mine!"

Dustin smirked, and when I looked at his eyes, he had this sick sadistic look in them, and I had a bad feeling my plan for distraction about to be short lived. Dustin quickly raised his gun and shot off twice, hitting Stacey.

His Possessive Mate (ManxMan) - His Mate Series: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now