I Do (Niall Horan)

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http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=59423941 -----> Kathryn's radio outfit.

"So I'm supposed to have a clever retort? I don't. Not quite that awesome. But I can grin like a moron. I know you can't see me."

Kathryn tried not to grin as she waited to take the Niall Horan's order.

"I have to go. Bye. Can I help you?"

"I'm Kathryn, your waitress."

"Oh, right. Just a coke right now. I'm waiting for someone."

"Okay. Coming right up."

She practically ran into the kitchen and got him a coke from the machine. She was so gonna embarrass herself.

"Liam! It's about time."

"I'm here. Don't complain."

He kissed Niall's forehead before sitting down.

"I had a major thing with Zayn but it's over now. How'd it go with Harry?"

"Umm......... It was fine."


"Here's your coke."

"You ordered without me?"

"Just a drink. Can you get another for my friend, please?"

"Of course."

The evening seemed to go without a hiccup and she was alright come the end of her shift. The couple were still sat, enjoying each other’s company. At the end of the night she went to her pigeon hole for her tips to find a little note.

Don't forget to look me up. I could do with a SPF.



7 Woodways, Haddenham, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP17 8HW



"You're from near Haddenham, aren't you?"

"Parents live there. Why?"

"How do I get there?"

"Get the train from the station round the corner and it takes about forty-five minutes."

"Cool. Thanks."

Kathryn headed home, desperate for sleep. She had the most boring, dreamless night before waking up just after seven. She no longer had any need for an alarm clock as her body was so used to getting up at the same time every morning. Even, as today was, on her day off. She turned on the radio to hear Chris Moyles announce a song.

"And here's a cheeky little number that Aled wants to listen to. I Do by Colbie Caillat."

The phone rang and Kathryn's flatmate, Nate, answered it.

"Hello? Yeah? Hang on a minute. Kathryn, Mina wants to know if you can cover her shift tonight?"

"I can't. I'm going up to Haddenham for a bit and I don't know when I'll be back."

"She says she can't. Yeah. Sorry. Bye. So, why Haddenham?"

"Someone left me their card. Told me to look them up. So I'm going. I'll talk to you later."

Kathryn grabbed her bag as she left. She hopped on the next train and pulled the card out. This could only go fine, badly or really badly. She got off the train and walked for ages before she found the right address. It was a small office and she walked in to find a young, blonde receptionist.

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