Gotta Be You (Harry Styles)

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                             -----> Brynn's uniform

"Come on, Brynn! It'll be fun!"

"I said I'm not going."


"Brandi, shut up."

"But Lee'll be there. And Evan. And Tyler. And Robin. And, oh my gosh, I nearly forgot Elliot."

Brynn opened her textbook and pulled out some paper.

"Instead you're gonna sit and do your homework?"

"I finish my homework tonight I can do stuff on the weekend."

"But Friday is the weekend! You're no fun since Harry disappeared."

Brynn could feel her heart hurting at the sound of his name. Stupid jerk.

"Go away."

"Two months ago I could tell I was your twin. Now I have no idea who you are."

"Brynn! Brandi! Spencer! Jazzy! Nate! Downstairs, now!"

They all raced down, except for Brynn. She trudged behind. Very, very, very slowly.

"Right. As you all know I try and get local schools involved with as many drama projects as possible. Well, I finally got PMR Girls and PMR Boys to agree to come and do so work in the local theatre. Two people from each year have been selected as they don't want too much time wasted. If we look alright they'll let people choose to join. But it meant you all have to do it. Along with those selected. For the girls, Brandi and Brynn will be the two year 12s, Jazzy will be one of the year 8s. For the boys Spencer will be one of the year 7s and Nate will be one of the year 10s. And Lucy said she'll be around to help too. They're going to announce the rest in assembly on Monday."

Brynn spent her weekend hibernating as she'd seen about a billion posts about where her ex was. And they were all near the only person that she went out with, Brandi. When Monday finally came her family cheered as she came into the kitchen.

"And she emerges."

"You missed seven awesome parties."

"You went to seven parties in two days?"

"No, Spence. Saturday, Sunday and Friday night."

"And that makes a difference?"

"You'd be surprised........"

"Brynn, don't pass judgement until you've joined in."

"There was no judgement in that sentence. Just proof that you're pretty indestructible."

"Yeah, right(!) You know you're better than I am."

"How is she better?"

"She never leaves her room."

"When she did leave her room. She was infamous for her party hopping. Her and Harry could go to like eleven in one night."



"That was our record. Seventeen."

"Well, as much as I like hearing about my daughter's partying skills you all need to go get the bus."

The Kyle kids headed to the bus, Brynn enjoying the idea of a distraction, Jazzy and Spencer chatting about some rubbish, Nate texting someone and Brandi putting on her glasses, as her headache made a vicious comeback, going straight to number one. As they endured assembly the drama project was announced. They had to write scripts all this week then on Saturday they'd go to the theatre and vote for the favourite and start blocking. They had to write enough characters and think about crew to make sure that all twenty eight participants had something to do. She stopped listening until her name was called for the partners.

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