Chapter 37

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

Ko's eyes hardened all of a sudden.

"Hajime." He started. "I want you to know that you can tell me anything. As I said before, you can always count on me. I'll be by your side when you need saving or if you're in trouble."

"W-why are you saying this all of a sudden?" The brunette stuttered.

"Because," The albino smiled at Hajime, "If I were to die and leave you alone, I want you to know that I'll still be there with you. Always. So please." He started pleading. "Please, don't forget about me."

Hajime's eyebrows scrunched up.

"Why are you acting like you're going to die? No one's dying! Even if they are, you'd be the last one to die! That's a command!" Hajime ordered.

Ko's collar grew red at the brunette's authority.

"Well of course I know that. I have to protect you and make sure you're safe before I die. Isn't that right, Hajime?" He smirked.

"S-stop going on about protecting me! I can take care of myself you know." He huffed.

It was partially true at least. He did work out sometimes before, so he was able to gain some muscles and get rid of the fat in his stomach.

In a quick motion, Hajime felt Ko flip himself to the front of the brunette with a smirk plastered on his face.

Before Hajime could process what was happening, Ko had pinned the brunette to the sofa they were sitting on, locking Hajime's wrists to the sofa using his hands.

"What the heck are you doing?"

Ko laughed.

"'I can take care of myself you know'", he mocked the brunette, "Yet you can't seem do dodge a suprise attack."

Hajime tried moving his wrists to release them from Ko's grasp, but the albino's hands were too strong.

"Let's see you get yourself out of this one." Ko placed his knees next to Hajime's legs, trapping them together.

Hajime struggled, trying to free his legs and arms.

"You have approximately thirty seconds to get out of the trap because in real life, people don't give you much time to struggle." Ko pointed out.

The brunette tried kneeing the albino, but his legs were kept together tightly by Ko's knees.

He tried to loosen Ko's grip on his wrists, but  nothing worked.

"Ten seconds~" Ko warned.

As the last resort, Hajime attempted to lift his head off the sofa and headbutt the albino in the nose.

Unfortunately, his head barely touched Ko's face when the albino counted down to one.

"Looks like you're still pinned down." Ko smirked. "This means you get a punishment, since you failed to escape."

Punishment? What the heck?

He gulped.

"Punishment? What punishment? Ko? What are you-"

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