Chapter 43

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Hajime's Third Person P.O.V.

What was this feeling in his chest?

Hajime couldn't quite understand his emotions as he saw Ko smile happily at the pink ball of fluff Hajime had won for him, nor his smile when they ate together.

It was this pounding feeling in his chest that made his heart jump out whenever he saw Ko smile.

What was it called?

Hajime didn't think much about it. It wasn't really important, so he guessed he could put it aside for now.

The pair ran from booth to booth, trying out all the fun activities and gaining prizes.

"Come one, Hajime! I want to try to shooting game!" Ko dragged Hajime over to a stand by his arm.

"You're great with guns, right? So that'll be a piece of cake for you." Hajime pointed out.

"Exactly," Ko replied, paying to play.

Aiming the gun towards the stack of mini cups, he shot the cups, knocking them down all in one go.

"Whoaaaaa!!" Hajime stared in awe.

Ko stuck his tongue out, winking.

What Ko received for winning the first prize were two fans, decorated with a pink and white rabbit and a black and white bear.

"Here. You have one." Ko handed the brunette the pink and white rabbit fan.

"But you won it! I shouldn't be taking something you got for yourself!" Hajime countered.

"It doesn't matter. I have more at home. Plus, this is my thank you for you."

Thank you? What had Hajime ever done to get thanked by Ko?

"Time passes by quickly when you're having fun," Ko glanced at the clock in a nearby booth. "Hey, it's eleven already. We need to meet up with the others."

Hajime had totally forgotten about Kirigiri and Makoto. He wondered what they were doing now.

"I wonder what fireworks they'll put on this year," Ko mumbled to himself.

Walking side by side, they followed the stream of people headed towards the field. The fireworks weren't scheduled until eleven fifteen, but most people wanted to be early, just like Ko and Hajime.

Hajime's hand grazed Ko's pale one slightly, a tingle of warmth shooting through his fingertips.

He wondered if he could hold Ko's hand. His skin was just so soft and warm, he actually craved his touch.

His fingers slightly reached for the albino's hand but curled into a fist when he thought over his actions again.

There was that pounding feeling in his chest again. Why was it there? What was it?

"I found a perfect place to view the fireworks," Ko called out, disrupting Hajime's thoughts.

"Oh. Wow." He breathed. "How'd you manage to snatch a place like this?"

From where they were seated, Hajime could see the white moon and the people who were setting up the fireworks. Basically, they had the front row seats.

"I dunno...." Ko glanced at the moon. "I just got lucky. That's all." He bit his lip in nervousness.

The action triggered something inside of Hajime. It made him want to become the dominant one.

He couldn't resist the temptation anymore.

"Ko," He spoke slowly.

The albino looked directly into Hajime's olive eyes in confusion.

"Huh? Is there something wrong? What is i- Hmph!" Ko's eyes widened.

Hajime had grabbed the collar of the albino's yukata, pulling his body towards Hajime's and smashing their lips together.

It was a reckless act. But Hajime didn't regret it. Ko's lips tasted exactly as it had before. Sweet, like honeysuckle flowers.

They parted, face flushed with embarrassment.

The brunette smirked at the blushing albino.

"Happy birthday, Ko." He smiled. "Sorry I didn't have a better present for your birthday. I didn't have time to actually-" Hajime was cut off by warm lips enveloping his own.

Shutting his eyes, he returned it, savoring the taste.

They parted once again, both laughing.

"That was the best gift I've ever received from anyone." Ko chuckled.

The pounding feeling in his chest returned, but this time, it had doubled, and Hajime's heart felt like it was going to burst.

And his thoughts clicked together.

He knew what he was feeling.

"Ko..." Hajime glanced at the albino.

"What is it?" Ko tilted his head.

"There's this feeling in my chest I can't seem to get rid of. It won't leave, no matter what I do." He confessed.

"You're sick? Do you have a fever?" Ko reached out for Hajime's forehead.

"No. It's not like that." He blushed.

Do it. His mind urged him.

"I think... I think... I... love you..." Hajime glanced at anywhere but Ko's face.

The albino's breath hitched before crystal tears dripped down his face.

"Eh??? What's wrong, Ko?" Hajime fussed over the albino who had both hands covering his face, trying to wipe the tears away. Had he said something wrong?

"Y-you don't know h-how long I've been waiting for you to say that." He hiccupped.

"What do you mean?" The brunette asked cluelessly.

"It means I love you too. I had loved you ever since I decided to protect you and give you a purpose to live after you had been broken. I love you, I love you, I love you." Ko smiled through his tears.

Hajime felt so dumb.

How had he not seen it before? All those kisses and cuddles were not actually Ko teasing him, but signs of affection. How was he so stupid?

"I love you, too." Hajime leaned in and captured Ko's lips once again, running his fingers through the silky locks at the back of Ko's hair.

He deepened the kiss by pushing on Ko's head, causing him to lean farther in.

"Thank you," Ko said when they broke apart. "Thank you for being the one to love me. To give me attention. My life will always be in your hands, Hajime. I'll serve you until I die." He vowed.

"I already knew that, dummy." Hajime ruffled Ko's hair.

A big bang rippled across the air as a bright light illuminated the skies, showering the night sky with showers of colorful sparkles.

One by one, the fireworks were set off, overlapping each other as they exploded in the sky, creating magnificent displays of sparks.

The two lovers sat side by side, hand in hand, watching the fireworks as they illuminated the darkness in the air above, just like what they had done in the other person's life.


(though this would have been a nice place to end the story....)

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