Chapter 7

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"I will do everything in my power to protect you..." he bowed.

"Hey, look! I  got engaged! Look at my ring! It's beautiful!"

The crystal at the middle of the lovely metal band shined brightly, twinkling in the sunlight. Its rays flashed a beautiful rainbow color.

"Meet my son...."

A boy with rosy cheeks sat in the arms of a gentle-faced mother. Her smile was radiating off the hospital walls.

"You want to hold him?"

The baby was light, his face filled with fat.

Rain. Blood. Tears.

He couldn't save her...

It was all his fault...

"Hey.... don't look so sad. Smile!"

"Just promise me this...... please look after my son.... for.... me...."

Her hand went limp.

He had failed.

He was a failure.






He didn't deserve to live anymore.


Ko's Third Person P.O.V.

The albino's eyelids opened up, revealing two green orbs that stared at the ceiling. Huh. What an unfamiliar place.

Where was he again?

His right shoulder felt heavier than usual as if something were weighing it down.

His gaze flitted over to that part of his body. White bands overlapped each other to cover his shoulder wound.

The pain was still there, but now it was only a throbbing ache, not a blinding pain.

He started to take in his surroundings. This wasn't a hospital. If it wasn't a hospital, then were was he?

A ticklish feeling on his left arm broke his thoughts momentarily.

Brown locks of hair were draped over the middle of his arm.

Well, well, isn't it a sleeping Hajime. Wait. Does that mean that he fixed me up all by himself? Without any proper assistance? Ko wondered.

He chuckled slightly.

But it would be nice to touch his hair just once... It won't hurt to do so, right?

His fingers grazed over the brown hair. Surprisingly enough, it was soft, unlike its physical appearance.

He softly caressed the brunet's hair, enjoying the texture.

As he tried to sit up, a wave of pain waved over his abdomen. He gasped sharply and immediately lay back down.

"You shouldn't be sitting up so fast. You're still healing. And why are your fingers in my hair?" A voice spoke.

He froze. Shoot.

"There was something in it." Was his excuse.
Hajime's eyes narrowed.

"Says the one who was playing with it for five minutes. I was conscious when you woke up you know."

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